In these tough economic times, marketer’s budgets are getting slashed and the situation requires innovative thinking to leverage small dollars. Virtual events are now part of the marketing mix and a good means of creating marketing dollar leverage. Jennifer Jones [See the full post…] |
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Categories: marketing, Marketing Voices, social media Tags: brent arslaner, Forrester, Jennifer Jones, Marketing Voices, unisfair, virtual events
Chris Tolles, CEO of Topix, and Jennifer Jones discuss the pros and cons of citizen journalism and the objectivity of journalists today. Tolles also describes how Topix which is the largest news community on the web provides an interesting business [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Marketing Voices, social media Tags: Chris Tolles, citizen journalism, Marketing Voices, social media, Topix
Making a corporate culture more innovative, and open, so it can listen and share is the advice of Forrester VP and Analyst of Customer Experience, Bruce Temkin. He believes it is time for corporate management to change and adopt [See the full post…] |
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Categories: marketing, Marketing Voices, social media Tags: Bruce Temkin, Forrester, Jennifer Jones, lego, Marketing Voices, social media
There’s new science in the art of strategy and communication. Social media is a tool of strategic communications – a tool that can help impact influence. Trying to put this all together is exactly what Alan Kelly, CEO and Founder [See the full post…] |
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Categories: marketing, Marketing Voices, social media Tags: Alan Kelly, Jennifer Jones, Marketing Voices, Playmaker, social media, strategic communications, The Playmaker's Standard
Building community sites today are part of a corporate trend that Dean Wiltse, Chairman and CEO of Vovici says is just beginning. All enterprises large and small are recognizing the need for a community site, and Vovici is a company [See the full post…] |
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Categories: marketing, Marketing Voices, social media Tags: Jennifer Jones, Marketing Voices, Vovici, Wiltse
Social networks have created enormous opportunities for pharmaceutical and healthcare marketers to reach their patient and physician customers. Deborah Dick Rath, Senior Vice President of the Healthcare Practice of FactorTG tells Marketing Voices listeners how to develop an effective media [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Healthcare, marketing, Marketing Voices, social media Tags: Deborah Dick Rath, Facebook, factorTG, Gardasil, Healthcare IT, Jennifer Jones, Marketing Voices, Merck, podcast, social media
Not being social enough is a big problem for corporations trying to use social media. That’s what Jeremiah Owyang and his team at Forrester discovered in a new report. Forrester selected 16 firms across four industries and found only one [See the full post…] |
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Categories: marketing, Marketing Voices, social media Tags: BMW, Forrester, Jennifer Jones, Jeremiah Owyang, Marketing Voices, social marketing, social media
The digital marketplace is changing the skill set of marketers. Having knowledgeable people who “get social marketing and media” is key to success. But how does a person find the right people? Marketing Voices Jennifer Jones spoke to Matt Raggio, [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Marketing Voices, social media Tags: Jennifer Jones, Marketing Voices, Matt Raggio, Oak Technology Partners
Everyone has the power to participate in communication today through blogs and community groups. Many bloggers have become powerful, given the popularity of their blogs. Some have become citizen journalists – citizens who play “an active role in the process [See the full post…] |
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Categories: marketing, Marketing Voices, social media Tags: bloggers, citizen journalism, Jennifer Jones, Jennifer McClure, Marketing Voices, SNCR, social media