The pace of change driven by technological advancement isn’t just accelerating, it’s widening. The scope of this change simultaneously defines our age as well as how we manage life and work. In this introductory report from Kaleido Insights, we explore [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Audio White Paper, Technology Tags: Audio White Paper, Enlightened Ecosystems, Fluid Organizations, Jaimy Szymanski, Jeremiah Owyang, Jessica Groopman, Kaleido Insights, Rebecca Lieb, Super Humans
Categories: BlogWorld and New Media Expo, Corporate Tags: blogging, BlogWorld, Brian Solis, Chad Vader, Chris Brogan, Don Lemon, Gaming, Guy Kawasaki, Jay Rosen, Jeremiah Owyang, Joanna Drake Earl, Kara Swisher, Kevin Pollak, Las Vegas Convention Center, Laura Fitton, Leo Laporte, music, new media, online video, podcasting, Radio, Scott Monty, social media, Social Media Business Summit, Ted Murphy, TV, Vlogging, Wendy Piersall
Forrester Social Marketing Expert Jeremiah Owyang believes that the future of the social web is entering the era of social colonization. Given these insights, Jeremiah offered his perspective on the best strategies marketers have to implement to be successful. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Marketing Voices Tags: corporate brands, Dell, Forrester, Jeremiah Owyang, social colonization, Social Marketing Expert, social web
Not being social enough is a big problem for corporations trying to use social media. That’s what Jeremiah Owyang and his team at Forrester discovered in a new report. Forrester selected 16 firms across four industries and found only one [See the full post…] |
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Categories: marketing, Marketing Voices, social media Tags: BMW, Forrester, Jennifer Jones, Jeremiah Owyang, Marketing Voices, social marketing, social media
What’s ahead for open social? How does the social networking universe continue to impact the way we do business? What parties is Jeremiah going to? These important questions are answered in this brief video podcast interview with Forrester Senior [See the full post…] |
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Categories: SXSW BlogHaus, Tech Conferences and Events Tags: AMD, bloghaus, Forrester, InternetGeekGirl, Jeremiah Owyang, Open Social, social networking, Stephanie Agresta, SXSWi
Last October, Microsoft invested $240 million in Facebook, suddenly placing Facebook’s value at a lofty $15 billion. Now, we see that revenues for 2007 came to around $150 million, while expenses still leave the company with a negative cash flow [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Microsoft, PodTech News, social media, Technology Tags: Facebook, Jason Lopez, Jeremiah Owyang, Jerry Yang, Microsoft, Steven A. Ballmer, Web Strategy
Jeremiah Owyang is Forrester Research’s new senior analyst focused on Social Computing. He is leaving PodTech where he was community manager and spent a lot of time travelling and speaking at conferences evangelising social media. Previously to that he managed [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, Silicon Valley Watcher, TechOne Tags: Jeremiah Owyang, Social Computing
Jeremiah Owyang interviews Joseph Loong at AOL’s Community Connection at Miami’s WeMedia conference at the University of Miami in February, 2007. He’s one of the community folks at AOL Blogs and helps the community become more efficient bloggers and communicators [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, social media, Web Strategies Tags: Community Connection, Jeremiah Owyang, Joseph Loong, WeMedia conference
Jeremiah Owyang interviews Bryan Rhoads, Intel’s internet and marketing strategist. He’s helping the company embrace social media, cultivate communities and use new conversational tools. This interview takes place at the Internet Strategy Forum Summit in Portland, in July 2007.
Learn [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, social media, Web Strategies Tags: Bryan Rhoads, Internet Strategy Forum, Jeremiah Owyang, Robert Scoble, social media
Jeremiah Owyang speaks with Mary Alice Colvin, senior marketing consultant and Kendrick Efta, founder and practice manager of Allyis, at the Internet Strategy Forum Summit in Portland in July 2007.
Social networking is important to many corporations, but adoption [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, social media, Web Strategies Tags: Allyis, digital immigrants, digital natives, Internet Strategy Forum, Jeremiah Owyang, Kendrick Efta, Mary Alice Colvin, social networking
At SXSW, Brian Oberkirch shares with Jeremiah Owyang how to build Web apps by assembling the right “tribe.” He shares his strategies on social media, marketing, pr, and how companies have to change their communication styles to listen to them. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, social media, Web Strategies Tags: Brian Oberkirch, Jeremiah Owyang, LIke it Matters, social media, SXSW
Jeremiah Owyang does his signature walkthrough through the Palo Alto Apple Store customers waiting patiently for the iPhone to go on sale in a few hours. Over 100 people showed up, camped out, in anticipation for this revolutionary communication device. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media Tags: Apple Store, iPhone, Jeremiah Owyang
Rene Dechamps Otamendi and Aurelie Pols, from OX2, in Belgium, discuss what to look for in a full-service agency and how to maximize their value. Learn how to measure success, how to deploy this virtual partner, with this interview [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, social media, Web Strategies Tags: Aurelie Pols, Jeremiah Owyang, OX2, Rene Dechamps Otamendi
What will the future media landscape look like? How will Web 2.0 effect reporting and how will future media be consumed? What products and tools will journalists and other creators use? PodTech takes some of the big questions to ScobleShow’s [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, social media Tags: Jeremiah Owyang, journalists, Marissa Mayer, Robert Scoble, ScobleShow, Web 2.0, Web Strategist
In a world full of data that is quickly being accessed by mobile devices, ownership over that information — and over one’s own reputation and identity — rises in priority. Searls speaks with Jeremiah Owyang at the recent Mobile Identiy [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Security, social media, Tech Conferences and Events, Technology, Web Strategies Tags: Berkman Center, Cyber Risk Management, Jeremiah Owyang, Mobile Identiy Workshop
PodTech’s own Jeremiah Owyang, director of corporate media strategy, knows how to harness user needs, business goals and web technology to craft web programs. Talking with Jennifer Jones about his strategies for media implementation, Owyang explains how listening to [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Marketing Voices, social media, Technology Tags: blogosphere, Connected Social Media, corporate media, Jennifer Jones, Jeremiah Owyang