Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Descartes Labs, Google Cloud Platform, Intel, SAAS, Software as a Service
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Adnan Adil, Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Cloud Service Providers, GoDaddy, Hybrid Cloud, Infrastructure TCO, Intel, SAAS
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: AI, Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, FINDMINE, Intel, IoT, Michelle Bacharach, SAAS, SXSW
Today Java is ubiquitous across the enterprise. Flexible and powerful, Java is the ideal choice for development teams worldwide.
Zing builds upon Java’s advantages by delivering a robust, highly scalable Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to match the needs of today’s [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Big Data, IT White Papers, Oracle OpenWorld Tags: Azul Systems, Big Data, ecommerce, financial systems, insurance portals, Java, Java virtual machine, JVM, SAAS, ZING
Categories: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Chip Chat, Chris Grossmeier, Cloud Computing, CloudPhysics, Conversation in the Cloud, Intel, SAAS
Categories: Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: Ben-Shalom, beyond the edge, cloud, Data Loss Prevention, Dennis Morgan, DLP, Enterprise Security, Eran Birk, information technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, IT@Intel, pdf, SAAS, Security, Shachaf Levi
Categories: Audio Podcast, Information Technology, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Carmine Rimi, Chip Chat, Cloud Engineering, Intel, OpenStack, OpenStack Summit, SAAS
Categories: Audio Podcast, Information Technology, Inside IT, Intel, Intel IT, IT@Intel Tags: Audio Podcast, data center, Data Center Infrastructure Management, DCIM, information technology, innovation, Inside IT, Intel, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT@Intel, Jim Brennan, SAAS, SaaS Security Playbook, Security, SMAC, Software as a Service
IT Best Practices: The consumerization of IT and the popularity of our bring-your-own-device (BYOD) program allow Intel employees to work from multiple devices. Regardless of what type of device they use, they want to be able to access work [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: 329334-001US, Any Device, Anywhere Computing, BYOD, consumerization of IT, content sharing, content synchronization, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT@Intel, SAAS, Software as a Service, sync-and-share solution
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud, VMware Tags: Allyson Klein, Cloud Computing, Conversations in the Cloud, data center, enterprise, Infrastructure, monster VM, performance, Public Cloud, SAAS, virtual machine, virtualization, VMware
IT Best Practices: IT cloud computing is a significant trend with the potential to increase IT business agility and lower costs. Today, however, security risks, immature technology, and other concerns prevent widespread enterprise adoption of external clouds. Intel IT [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: IaaS, Infrastructure, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Agility, IT Business Efficiency, IT Business Value, IT Cloud Computing, IT Competitive Advantage, IT@Intel, SAAS
IT Best Practices: As part of our cloud computing strategy, Intel IT has been opportunistically taking advantage of external offerings of software as a service (SaaS) applications. To prepare for broader SaaS adoption, we designed a SaaS architecture that [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Agility, IT Business Efficiency, IT Business Value, IT Competitive Advantage, IT@Intel, SAAS
IT Best Practices: Over time, Intel IT has evolved our strategies to optimize our data center infrastructure to respond faster to business needs while enhancing the services and business value of IT. Our new data center strategies shift the [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: Ananth Sankaranarayanan, Arlene Sanchez, Bradley A. Ellison, D.O.M.E., data center, green IT, HPC, IaaS, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Agility, IT Business Efficiency, IT Business Value, IT Competitive Advantage, IT Continuity, IT Data Center, IT efficiency, IT Employee Productivity, IT Innovation, IT Sustainability, IT@Intel, Matt Beckert, NAS, PaaS, SAAS, Sanjay Rungta, Shesha Krishnapura, SSD, tco
Categories: Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: Catherine Spence, Cloud Software, data center, ERP, Hong Li, Infrastructure as a Service, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Agility, IT Business Efficiency, IT Business Value, IT Cloud Computing, IT Competitive Advantage, IT Continuity, IT Data Center, IT efficiency, IT Whitepaper, IT@Intel, PaaS, Platform as a Service, Ricki Godfrey, Robert Armstrong, SAAS, Software as a Service
IT Cloud Computing: As more services are delivered via cloud computing, which combination of client platforms and service delivery methods best meets our needs? Intel IT has found that, whether services are kept in-house or outsourced to the cloud, [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: Catherine Spence, Cloud Outsourcing, Intel, Intel IT, IT Cloud Computing, IT White Papers, Jeff Sedayao, John Dunlop, RIch Clients, SAAS, Thin Client
Categories: Audio Podcast, Healthcare, Venture Perspectives by Scale Venture Partners Tags: crowdsourcing, Jennifer Jones, recession, SAAS, Scale Venture Partners, Sharon Wienbar, Software as a Service, venture capital, Venture Perspectives, vertical content
Thing5, a leading provider of software-based messaging services to the hospitality industry, is leveraging Verizon Business’ IP networking to offer cost-effective and reliable services via software-as-a-service (SaaS) to hospitality chains such as Extended Stay Hotels, La Quinta and LXR Luxury [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Verizon Business Tags: B.E.S.T, Burstable Enterprise Shared Trunks, David Thor, Healthcare IT, SAAS, Thing5, Verizon Business
There are now possibilities in enterprise computing that have the potential to solve mainstream problems and become widely adopted. These “Emerging Compute Models” are creating a lot of buzz, but also a lot of confusion in the IT community. That’s [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Emerging Compute Model, InfoWorld, Intel, Intel-OpenPort Tags: application streaming, Blade PCs, Chuck Brown, Emerging Compute Model, Intel, Jason Davidson, Mike Ferron-Jones, OS Streaming, Rich Client, SAAS, Terminal Services, Thin Client, virtual hosted desktop
David Doane, president and CEO of PresenceID, talks with Brad Baldwin about identity transparency and growing trend towards the virtual workplace. Doane proposes the possibility of ultimately decoupling not only users from the physical network environment, but also [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, RockyMountainVoices Tags: David Doane, identity transparency, PresenceID, SAAS, Unified identity, virtual workplace, VMware, Xen
Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Enterprise 2.0, SaaS: Conversations with IT and Business Leaders, WebEx Tags: David Thompson, DreamFactory, Eric Rubin,, Phil Wainewright, SAAS, WebEx