Transformer models are the powerful neural networks that have become the standard for delivering advanced performance behind these innovations. But there is a challenge: Training these deep learning models at scale and doing inference on them requires a large amount [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 40:35
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI, ChatGPT, developers, Ethical AI, Gaudi, Habana, Hugging Face, Intel, Large language models, LLM, oneAPI, Open Source, OpenVINO, optimization, Stable diffusion
Learn why our customers are moving to immersion cooling, and how it and sustainability are changing data centers in this conversation with Intel Fellows Mohan Kumar, Nishi Ahuja and Senior PE Sandeep Ahuja and host Jake Smith.
For more information, [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 16:39
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, data centers, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Cloud Computing, cooling, data centers, developers, Immersion, Intel, Jake Smith, Mohan Kuman, Nishi Ahuja, Sandeep Ahuja, sustainability
Quantum computing technology is becoming more viable, which means programming models are going to have to be created to harness this potentially world changing technology. To many developers, understanding the possibilities of quantum computing and moving from a binary world [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 35:56
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI, Anne Matsuura, developers, Intel, Intel Labs, oneAPI, Quantum Applications, Quantum Architecture, Quantum Computing, Qubit
AI is the new hot thing in business. Everyone wants to talk about how they are harnessing AI to make their business better. However this is not a trivial process, and maybe companies are left wondering what went wrong. Aible [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 32:13
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI, Aible, Big Query, bigquery, Data Science, deep learning, developers, Intel, oneAPI, OpenVINO
The accelerator landscape has been rapidly changing over the past decade, and as super computers come online, they face the challenge of supporting the latest and greatest accelerators. Through use of C++. Kokkos and SYCL, the engineers working on the [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 27:53
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Argonne, Aurora, Aurora Supercomputer, C++, cross-architecture, developers, GPU, Hardware Accelerators, high performance computing, HPC, James Reinders, Kokkos, Nevin Liber, oneAPI, Open Source, parallel programming, SYCL
ChatGPT, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion and other generative AI have rapidly captivated the public. They provide new, easy ways, to create new content based on AI models that have been trained on large, public data sets. How does this technology work? [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 40:36
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, Benjamin Consolvo, ChatGPT, DALL-E, deep learning, developers, Ethical AI, Ezequiel Lanza, Generative AI, Midjourney, Open Source, OpenVINO, Stable diffusion, Transformers
One of the greatest challenges to using AI/ML in industry is reducing your time to solution so that your data scientist and engineers have a chance to iterate. Setting up a machine learning pipeline from scratch can be a complexity [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 28:35
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI, AI/ML, artificial intelligence, Data Science, developers, Flex GPU, Habana, Hardware Accelerators, Hybrid Cloud, Intel, Jupyter, JupyterHub, JupyterLab, machine learning, MLOps, oneAPI, Open Data Hub, Open Source, OpenShift, OpenShift Data Science, Pytorch, Raghu Moorthy, Red Hat, Steve Huels, TensorFlow
As AI continues to play an ever-increasing role in applications and decision-making, the challenges facing developers of these AI workloads continue to expand higher and higher. Through this talk, gain a deeper understanding of the current landscape and challenges facing [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 22:43
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI Analytics Toolkit, artificial intelligence, Data Science, developers, Engineer, Intel, machine learning, oneAPI, Open Source, OpenShift, OpenVINO, RedHat
Intel, HPE, and Argonne National Lab are collaborating closely to deliver Aurora. Built on Intel’s architecture, Aurora will be Argonne’s first Exascale, high performance computing system. Its performance is expected to exceed exaflops, which is 2 billion billion calculations per [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 37:15
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Argonne National Lab, Aurora, Code Migration, code portability, cross-architecture, developers, exaFLOPS, exascale computing, heterogeneous programming, high performance computing, HPE, Kokkos, OpenMP, Parallel Computing, parallel programming, RAJA programming language, SYCL, SYCL standard
Novan Parmonangan Simanjuntak, Head of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Strategy at GLAIR joins host Jake Smith to discuss how GLAIR worked with Intel to optimize deep learning and inference for their computer vision solution. Novan talks about how the [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 11:10
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, computer vision, developers, edge computing, GLAIR, IoT, Jake Smith, Novan Parmonangan Simanjuntak, software
Ever since its introduction in 2014, SYCL has grown in popularity and adoption. It is a royalty-free, cross-platform abstraction layer that enables code for heterogeneous processors, written in a “single-source” style using C++ standards.
The flexibility to deploy across multiple [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 18:45
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: C++, Code Migration, code portability, CodeMigration, Cpp, cross-architecture, CrossArchitecture, developer, developers, heterogeneous programming, HeterogeneousProgramming, high performance computing, HPC, Noah Clemons, oneAPI, Opensource, Parallel Computing, parallel programming, ParallelComputing, Roberto Di Remigio Eikås, SYCL, SYCL standard
Intel has long been at the forefront of radical innovations that have revolutionized the way we live and work – beginning with the development of the first microprocessor, transforming the world as we knew it by making a new era [See the full post…] |
Read/Download PDF
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, data centers, Featured, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: AI, AI Everywhere, AR, Archana (Archie) Deskus, artificial intelligence, automation, developers, edge-to-cloud computing, high performance computing, HPC, IDZ, information technology, Intel, Intel Developer Zone, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, IT@Intel, oneAPI, pdf, UCD, UEP, Unified Customer Data, Unified Experience Platform, VR
Scientific visualization (SciVis) is a process of representing raw scientific data as images, which helps scientists improve their interpretations of large data sets. More and more, advanced visualization tools are becoming an integral part of a researcher’s analysis toolkit; and [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 19:04
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: 3D, Anne Bowen, C++, data analytics, developers, Donna Nemshick, Embree, Frontera, graphics, Intel, large data sets, oneAPI, Open Source, OpenVKL, Optane, OSPray, ParaView, ray tracing, rendering, rendering tool, scientific visualization, scivis, TACC, Texas Advanced Computing Center, visualization, VMD
Adoption of Python has been enormous over the last decade. Why? It’s easy to use, accessible, versatile and can be used for AI, machine learning, data analytics, data visualization, and all types of science. Tune into how 3 experts are [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 26:36
Categories: Code Together, Intel Tags: C++, developers, Intel, Intel Distribution of Python, Intel oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit, NumPy, oneAPI, Pandas, Python, Python Data API Consortium, Python libraries, Pytorch, scikit-learn, SciPy, TensorFlow
Ginkgo is a production-ready, sparse linear algebra library used for HPC on GPU architectures. It’s now using oneAPI cross-architecture programming to support its foundational design with a high level of performance portability, and focus on software sustainability. ExpertsHartwig Anzt at [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 21:22
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: C++, developers, DPC++, George Silva, Ginkgo, Ginkgo project, Hartwig Anzt, heterogeneous programming, Intel, Intel DPC++ Compatibility Tool, Intel oneAPI Toolkit, oneAPI, sparse linear library, Terry Cojean
Heterogeneous programming is challenging for developers because it’s been difficult to code or forces compromises in performance. oneAPI is working to break that mold. Many HPC research centers, enterprises and developers are now adopting oneAPI. Hear from experts at Zuse [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 24:05
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: code portability, cross-architecture, cross-architecture programming, Developer Tools, developers, DPC++, DPC++ Compatibility Tool, Dr. Steffen Christgau, Dr. Thomas Steinke, easyWave, heterogeneous programming, Klaus-Dieter Oertel, Multi-vendor Hardware, oneAPI, portability, super computing, ZIB, Zuse Institute Berlin
New innovations can quickly become IT sweethearts, but what’s best for the business remains the overriding factor for deployment. The emergence of cloud native was born from developers needing to flexibly deploy resources and reconfigure them as needed. “That’s why [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 12:07
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix Tags: Cloud Native, cloud technologies, containers, developers, Hybrid Cloud, Moor Insights and Strategy, multi-cloud, Steve McDowell
The next generation of scientists and coders need more than a love of science and technology. The use of supercomputers in digital design to simulation pose opportunities solving the world’s biggest questions. Katherine Riley, director of science for Argonne’s Leadership [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 29:51
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Argonne, code together, coders, Data Science, deep learning, developers, experiment, inspiration, Intel, Joe Curley, Katherine Riley, oneAPI, researchers, Science, scientists, simulation, Supercomputer, Supercomputing
Rapid iteration that has become essential to technology innovation is something well defined in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development.
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix Tags: agile manifesto, agile transformation, Dan Hardiker, developers, DevOps, gile Software Development, Jon Kern, Nutanix
Dr. Tom Deakin, senior research associate and lecturer in the High-Performance Computing Research Group at the University of Bristol, and Dr. James Brodman, software engineer at Intel, unpack the tricky topic of performance portability to reveal what this concept truly [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 21:39
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: C++, compiler, CPU, developers, DPC++, Dr. James Brodman, exascale, GPU, heterogeneous, high performance computing, HPC, Intel, Intel DevCloud, modern C++, oneAPI, Open Standards, OpenCL, OpenMP, parallel programming, parallelism, performance, portability, programming, Supercomputer, Supercomputing, Supercomputing 2020, SYCL, SYCL 2020, Tom Deakin, University of Bristol
In Part I of two episodes about GROMACS, one of the world’s most widely used open source molecular dynamics (MD) applications, Erik Lindahl, Biophysics Professor at Stockholm University & KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Roland Schulz, Parallel Software Engineer [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI, biophysics, C++, Coulomb’s Law of Interaction, COVID, CUDA, developers, distributed computing, DPC++, electrostatic, exascale, floating point operations, Folding@home, GROMACS, HPC, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, ligno-cellulose, MD, molecular, molecular dynamics, molecular simulation, oneAPI, pandemic, parallel programming, parallelism, protein folding, SIMD, Stockholm University, Supercomputing, SYCL
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Andy Rudoff, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, developers, Intel, Intel Optane PMem, Persistent Memory, Persistent Memory Development Kit, PMDK
Existing math kernel libraries have lacked portability across heterogeneous platforms—until now. A unifying programming model—and availability of standard library interfaces—enables development of performance-portable libraries among diverse hardware architectures. In this episode, Julia Sukharina, Senior Engineering Manager at Intel, and Mehdi [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: BLAS, C++, Codeplay Software, compute-intensive, CuBLAS, CUDA, Data Parallel C++, data-intensive, developers, DPC++, GPU, heterogeneous, Intel Math Kernel Library, Julia Sukharina, libraries, linear algebra, math, math libraries, Mehdi Goli, MKL, NVIDIA, oneMKL, OpenCL, SYCL
In this episode of Code Together, Geoff Lowney, Senior Fellow at Intel, and Andrew Richards, CEO at Codeplay Software, discuss the value of standards in enabling hardware and software developers to collaborate and innovate. From the early days of video [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Accelerators, AI, artificial intelligence, C++, compilers, compute-intensive, CPU, CUDA, data parallel, data-intensive, developers, exascale, Geoff Lowney, GPU, high performance computing, HPC, Khronos, Khronos Group, LLVM, NVIDIA, oneAPI, Open Source, OpenCL, parallel programming, parallelism, Standards, SYCL
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Alice Chan, Argonne National Lab, artificial intelligence, C++, Compiler Engineering, Compiler Technology, cross-architecture, CUDA, developers, DPC++, GPU, Hal Finkel, hardware abstraction, heterogeneous, Khronos, machine learning, oneAPI, Programming Languages, programming portability, SYCL