SYCL – Empowering Developers in Academia and Enterprise
Ever since its introduction in 2014, SYCL has grown in popularity and adoption. It is a royalty-free, cross-platform abstraction layer that enables code for heterogeneous processors, written in a “single-source” style using C++ standards.
The flexibility to deploy across multiple platforms, reuse code helps enable advanced hardware features that can be used by developers. This allows develops the flexibility that they are looking for.
Today’s conversation with our guests touches upon SYCL’s evolution and its adoption both in academia and in enterprise applications. We will discuss how academia and enterprise are learning how to program with SYCL in addition to what the future holds for this open standard.
For more information, see:
ENCCS – EuroCC National Competence Centre Sweden
EuroCC National Competence Center Sweden – GitHub
SYCL standard
SYCL Academy GitHub repository
The Khronos Group
Intel DevCloud
Intel oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit
Jupyter* Notebook
Data Parallel C++ book
Comparing programming models: CUDA and SYCL
Learn about SYCL
oneAPI specification
Intel oneAPI toolkits
Roberto Di Remigio Eikås, Research Software Engineer at ENCCS
Noah Clemons, Staff Technical Consulting Engineer, Developer Tools Customer Engineering at Intel
Posted in:
Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel