As those who have experienced loss know, grieving for a family member or close friend doesn’t end when it’s time to go back to work.
In the aftermath of the pandemic, many employers are building grief-informed strategies to better support [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 34:54
Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health Tags: Business Group on Health, Death, grief, loss, pandemic, workforce support
Despite Long COVID impacting more than 10% of patients who recover from COVID-19, much is still unknown about the condition. As a result, treatment and the search for a cure continues to puzzle physicians.
On this episode of the Business [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 32:40
Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Business Group on Health, COVID-19, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, long covid, Panagis Galiatsatos, pandemic
What if instead of going to the hospital when we became sick, the hospital came to us? That’s the topic of today’s Business Group on Health podcast conversation with Dr. David Levine, whose work and research concentrates on advanced home-based [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 38:38
Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: acute care, Business Group on Health, Cariloop, COVID-19, David Levine, home hospital, hospital care, pandemic
Although the U.S. is in a more positive phase of the pandemic than two years ago, many are wondering how long it might last (especially in light of surges abroad) and how we should best prepare for the future. In [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 29:12
Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Business Group on Health, COVID-19, employer sponsored health care, long covid, pandemic
The pace of innovation and change has affected not only technology development but the business models that make those technologies available. The subscription model – which has been around since 17th century Britain when it was used to sell books [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 17:25
Categories: Audio Podcast, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix Tags: digital transformation, Nutanix, pandemic, Ray Wang, Subscription Businesses, subscription management, Todd McElhatton, Zuora
As the pandemic exposes the weakness in the global supply chain, companies are building a new one with cloud and AI.
The effects of the COVID pandemic have slowed supply chains in many verticals from agriculture to musical instrument makers. [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 8:48
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, COVID, Damien Pasquinelli, digital transformation, Hardis Group, Jerome Pedreno, Nutanix, pandemic, Supply Chains
IT Best Practices: Intel IT tests Wi-Fi 6 in an actual office environment during COVID lockdown, proving enhanced performance under challenging, real-world scenarios and delivering important insights for successful deployments.
Wi-Fi 6 may be the ideal gateway toward realization [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: access points, AX210, Client Computing, COVID, information technology, Intel, Intel IT, Intel Wi-Fi 6E, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, IT@Intel, Lockdown, pandemic, pdf, WfH, Wi-Fi 6, WLAN
The day the WHO declared a global pandemic. The roll-out of the first vaccines. The rise of the Delta variant. The announcement of vaccine mandates. For all these moments and everything in between, Apoorva Mandavilli has been tirelessly reporting on [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 32:15
Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Apoorva Mandavilli, Business Group on Health, COVID-19, employer sponsored health care, pandemic, vaccines
For decades, the Ad Council has brought together the advertising industry to serve the social good through public service engagement; today, they’re providing critical information to Americans across the country about the COVID-19 pandemic, with a specific focus on building [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 26:36
Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Ad Council, Business Group on Health, Charysse Nunez, COVID-19, employer health, pandemic, vaccination
In July 2020, we spoke with Professor Mauro Guillén, author of 2030: How Today’s Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything, on the global factors influencing the next decade and the role of COVID-19 as an accelerant [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 27:37
Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Business Group on Health, COVID-19, employer health, future trends, pandemic, workforce trends
Restaurant owners and experts explain how the industry responded to the COVID-19 lockdown with technologies that keep them connected to customers. Two sisters, Shanny Covey and Deborah Mok, tell how they evolved their central California coast restaurants through the pandemic. [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 11:54
Categories: Audio Podcast, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix Tags: COVID-19, Deborah Mok, digital transformation, National Restaurant Association, Nutanix, pandemic, Perry Quinn, Restaurant Industry, Restaurant Technology, Shanny Covey
SHI’s Tim Henning joins host Jake Smith to talk about how IT leaders were able quickly deploy virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) via public cloud offerings to preserve business continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tim explains why Stratascale introduced the Intel [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Business Continuity, COVID-19, pandemic, SHI, Stratascale, Tim Henning, VDI, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
We explore the critical role of visualization and visual analytics in disaster management and medical research with Paul Navrátil, Director of Visualization at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), and Jim Jeffers, Sr. Principal Engineer and Sr. Director of Advanced [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 30:53
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Amaro Lab, ANARI, Christiaan Gribble, cosmology, COVID, Department of Energy, Disaster Management, Disaster Recovery, disaster relief, Embree, exascale, Exascale Computing Project, flood, Frontera, geophysical exploration, high performance computing, HPC, hurricane, Intel, Intel CPU, Intel oneAPI Rendering Toolkit, IXPUG, Jim Ahrens, Khronos Group, Kitware, Lauren Meyers, Los Alamos National Lab, medical research, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Science Foundation, NOAA, oneAPI, Open Science, Open VKL, Open Volume Kernel Library, OSPray, pandemic, ParaView, physics, ray tracing, rendering, Rommie Amaro, Science, scientific, SOLAR Ray Tracing Consortium, Stampede II, Supercomputer, SURVICE Engineering, TACC, Texas Advancing Computing Center, University of California San Diego, University of Texas, UT, visualization, weather modeling
For years, experts have been sounding the alarm that burnout is endangering the health and well-being of employees across the globe. Then the pandemic happened, and according to burnout expert Jennifer Moss, the stress of the last year “has been [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: burnout, Business Group on Health, employer health, Jennifer Moss, pandemic, workplace stress
As one of the world’s largest semiconductor chip makers, Intel’s vision is to be the performance leader that unleashes the potential of data. In this era of rapid change and distributed intelligence, we see artificial intelligence (AI), 5G network transformation [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: 5G, AI, AR, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, COVID-19, Digital Acceleration, digital innovation, digital transformation, information technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, IT@Intel, Manufacturing IT, pandemic, pdf, VPN Scaling, WfH, Work-from-Home
In this second episode about GROMACS, one of the world’s most widely used open source molecular dynamics (MD) applications, we explore the quest to simplify portable, performant programming with Erik Lindahl, Biophysics Professor at Stockholm University & KTH Royal Institute [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 23:22
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI, Andrey Alekseenko, biophysics, C++, COVID, cross-architecture, CUDA, distributed computing, DPC++, electrostatic, Erik Lindahl, exascale, floating point operations, GROMACS, heterogeneous, HPC, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, ligno-cellulose, MD, molecular, molecular dynamics, molecular simulation, oneAPI, pandemic, parallel programming, parallelism, Roland Schulz, SciLifeLab, SIMD, Stockholm University, Supercomputing, SYCL
The data on worldwide obesity are stunning: obesity has tripled in the last 50 years and overweight and obesity kill more people than underweight. How can we come together as a global community to halt this devastating disease? According to [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Business Group on Health, Dr. Olivia Barata Cavalcanti, employer health, obesity, pandemic, weight management
Is returning to the workplace on the horizon? With COVID-19 cases falling and vaccination numbers rising, heading back to the office suddenly seems plausible. But how and when this can happen depends on a number of factors, including the effectiveness [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Business Group on Health, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Dr. Leana Wen, employer health, pandemic, return to work
The COVID-19 vaccines offer promise for a brighter future but “we’re not out of the woods yet,” says Dr. Bob Wachter, Professor and Chair of the Department of Medicine at UCSF. In a race against emerging variants, efficient vaccine distribution [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Business Group on Health, COVID-19, COVID-19 Vaccines, Dr. Bob Wachter, pandemic, UCSF, Vaccine Distribution, vaccines
IT Best Practices: When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, it propelled Intel’s global workforce of over 100,000 employees, along with contingent workers and ecosystem partners, to begin working remotely practically overnight. Virtual private network (VPN) connections would be needed for [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: Cloud Service Provider, COVID-19, information technology, Inte Ethernet network adapters, Intel, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, IT@Intel, pandemic, pdf, SR-IOV, Virtual private network, VPN, VPN gateway appliances, VPN Scaling
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: AI Sense, Alok Mishra, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Cloud Computing, Conversation in the Cloud, COVID-19, Intel, learhealth, OpenVINO, pandemic, Python, safety compliance, TensorFlow, Wesense, Wipro
How are companies designing their health and well-being strategies to meet the challenges posed by the ongoing pandemic? What role do health and well-being have as part of overall workforce strategy? Is virtual health here to stay? Business Group on [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health Tags: Brenna Shebel, Business Group on Health, COVID-19, employer health, health insurance, pandemic, well-being
In Part I of two episodes about GROMACS, one of the world’s most widely used open source molecular dynamics (MD) applications, Erik Lindahl, Biophysics Professor at Stockholm University & KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Roland Schulz, Parallel Software Engineer [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI, biophysics, C++, Coulomb’s Law of Interaction, COVID, CUDA, developers, distributed computing, DPC++, electrostatic, exascale, floating point operations, Folding@home, GROMACS, HPC, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, ligno-cellulose, MD, molecular, molecular dynamics, molecular simulation, oneAPI, pandemic, parallel programming, parallelism, protein folding, SIMD, Stockholm University, Supercomputing, SYCL
What if you could predict the future? Now more than ever, many of us wish we could, especially when it comes to the economy, our work lives, the role of technology and demographic trends. Without a crystal ball, our best [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare Tags: Business Group on Health, COVID-19, employer health, future trends, health insurance, pandemic, Professor Mauro Guillén, workforce trends