Learn how Intel’s manufacturing engineers are using natural language processing (NLP) to streamline failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA).
Intel Manufacturing Automation has developed an innovative methodology for performing FMEA in manufacturing by using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to analyze [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, automation, FMEA, Intel, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT@Intel, manufacturing efficiency, natural language processing, NLP, sentiment analysis, streamline failure mode and effects analysis
Intel IT is using computer vision and AI for inline inspection in Intel’s assembly and test factories.
Keeping Intel’s global network of factories running at top efficiency is one of Intel IT’s primary roles. Over the last decade, we have [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, assembly and test, computer vision, Defect Detection, factory efficiency, inline inspection, Intel ARC A770 discrete GPU, Intel Core i9 processors, Intel IT, Intel Xeon Scalable processors, Intelligent Wafer Vision Inspection, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT@Intel, IWVI, manufacturing, product quality, quality assurance, scrap reduction
In this special Tech Barometer podcast series, Alex Karagyris and Debojyoti “Debo” Dutta explain how the MedPerfs platform paves the way for artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in healthcare.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 11:48
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Healthcare, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix Tags: ai applications in healthcare, ai in healthcare, ai models in healthcare, Alex Karagyris, artificial intelligence, Debojyoti “Debo” Dutta, Healthcare, how is ai used in healthcare, machine learning, medical ai, medperf
On today’s episode of Conversations in the Cloud Alex Liu, Chief Technology Officer of BasicAI stops by to talk about the company’s efforts at evolving the training data platform. Xtreme1 is the world’s first open-source platform for multisensory training data [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 12:36
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: AI, Alex Liu, artificial intelligence, BasicAI, Intel Xeon, Intel Xeon Scalable processors, Jake Smith, machine learning, Multisensory Training Data, OpenVINO, Xeon, Xtreme1
Davit Buniatyan, Activeloop CEO, joins host Jake Smith on the latest episode of Conversations in the Cloud to discuss optimizing data lakes for creating deep learning-based products. Deep Lake allows storing complex data in AI-native format and streaming it over [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 17:10
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Activeloop, AI, artificial intelligence, Davit Buniatyan, Deep Lake, deep learning, Intel, Intel Xeon Scalable processors, Jake Smith, machine learning, Xeon
Joining Jake on the podcast today is Kasia Borowska, Co-Founder and Managing Director at Brainpool AI. The duo discuss the most popular applications of AI in business, how they benefit, and the best ways to start implementing solutions.
Brainpool AI [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 13:10
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: AGI, AI, AI-as-a-Service, artificial intelligence, Brainpool AI, Cognitive Science, Democratization of AI, Intel, Jake Smith, Sentiment Analytics
Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, VP of Technology Ecosystem at SingleStore, joins host Jake Smith in a conversation about how SingleStore’s database technology (SingleStoreDB) unifies transactions and analytics to power real-time business decision-making. Karl-Heinz talks about modern business applications where companies take advantage [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 16:26
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: AI, analytics, artificial intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Conversation in the Cloud, database, developer, Disrupter, Intel, Jake Smith, Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, SingleStore, SingleStoreDB, software
As AI becomes more prevelent in society, one of the biggest questions is how can we take AI and harness it for good? One area that is extremely active is healthcare. AI is being explored across a variety of disciplines [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 19:21
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Code Together, Healthcare, Intel Tags: artificial intelligence, Chest-rAi, deep learning, Healthcare, Intel, oneAPI, OpenVINO, Radiology, Transformers, X-ray
ChatGPT, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion and other generative AI have rapidly captivated the public. They provide new, easy ways, to create new content based on AI models that have been trained on large, public data sets. How does this technology work? [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 40:36
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, Benjamin Consolvo, ChatGPT, DALL-E, deep learning, developers, Ethical AI, Ezequiel Lanza, Generative AI, Midjourney, Open Source, OpenVINO, Stable diffusion, Transformers
Parallel programming models are often used on large scale systems, with huge datasets and a large amount of obvious parallelism. In this podcast, Tony talks to two university students that are building a chat bot using consumer hardware and standard [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 30:23
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: artificial intelligence, Chatbot, developer, Engineer, Intel, machine learning, oneAPI, Open Source, parallel programming, SYCL, TensorFlow, Transformers
When people switch from one task to another unrelated task, it can have jarring, disruptive effects, resulting in wasted time, mistakes and stress. “You can’t just throw a bunch of varied tasks and environments at everybody and expect productivity to [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 8:32
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix Tags: agnostic workflows, AI, artificial intelligence, Context switching, Home Office, hybrid work, Move Works, Tool X Bot, Work-from-Home
Mouli Narayanan, Founder and CEO at Zeblok, join Jake Smith to discuss Zeblok’s Ai-MicroCloud platform and how it streamlines AI delivery by providing a single, cohesive, turnkey, cloud-native AI environment. Mouli shares Zeblok’s mission and describes how the Ai-MicroCloud enables [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 20:15
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: AI, AI Development, artificial intelligence, Cloud Native, Intel Disruptor Program, Jake Smith, Mouli Narayanan, OpenVINO, Zeblok
One of the greatest challenges to using AI/ML in industry is reducing your time to solution so that your data scientist and engineers have a chance to iterate. Setting up a machine learning pipeline from scratch can be a complexity [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 28:35
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI, AI/ML, artificial intelligence, Data Science, developers, Flex GPU, Habana, Hardware Accelerators, Hybrid Cloud, Intel, Jupyter, JupyterHub, JupyterLab, machine learning, MLOps, oneAPI, Open Data Hub, Open Source, OpenShift, OpenShift Data Science, Pytorch, Raghu Moorthy, Red Hat, Steve Huels, TensorFlow
Ankit Narayan Singh, Co-Founder & CTO at ParallelDots, joins host Jake Smith to discuss how artificial intelligence and image recognition are transforming the consumer-packaged goods (CPG) and retail industry operations in brick-and-mortar stores. He describes how it’s a challenge for [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 19:33
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Ankit Narayan Singh, artificial intelligence, computer vision, consumer-packaged goods, CPG, image recognition, OpenVINO, ParallelDots, Real-Time Shelf Insights, ShelfWatch
As AI continues to play an ever-increasing role in applications and decision-making, the challenges facing developers of these AI workloads continue to expand higher and higher. Through this talk, gain a deeper understanding of the current landscape and challenges facing [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 22:43
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI Analytics Toolkit, artificial intelligence, Data Science, developers, Engineer, Intel, machine learning, oneAPI, Open Source, OpenShift, OpenVINO, RedHat
Lorenzo Fornaciari, Vice President of Strategy iGenius joins host Jake Smith to discuss how iGenius is reimagining data analytics and bringing it to the next level with their platform named Crystal. Lorenzo describes how Crystal, auto-classifying business requests in multiple [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 11:31
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, augmented consumer, business analytics, data analytics, iGenius, iGenius Crystal, Jake Smith, Lorenzo Fornaciari, natural language processing
IT Best Practices: Intel IT’s artificial intelligence (AI) group works across Intel to transform critical work, optimize processes, eliminate scalability bottlenecks and generate significant business value (more than USD 1.5B return on investment in 2021). Our efforts unlock the [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: AI, AI Model Productization, artificial intelligence, Autonomous Quality, BDD, behavior-driven development, information technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, IT@Intel, machine learning, machine learning operations, ML, MLOps, pdf, QA, quality assurance
Novan Parmonangan Simanjuntak, Head of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Strategy at GLAIR joins host Jake Smith to discuss how GLAIR worked with Intel to optimize deep learning and inference for their computer vision solution. Novan talks about how the [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 11:10
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, computer vision, developers, edge computing, GLAIR, IoT, Jake Smith, Novan Parmonangan Simanjuntak, software
To show artificial intelligence can be a powerful tool for humankind, Rutgers University professor Ahmed Elgammal explains how it helped his team complete an unfinished work by one of the most admired composers in the history of Western music. “Can [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 16:35
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix Tags: Ahmed Elgammal, AI, artificial intelligence, Beethoven, Beethoven’s 10th Symphony, classical composers, computer generated music, deep learning, Mark Mills, Nutanix, Wendy Pfeiffer
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: AI, AI research, artificial intelligence, Audio Podcast, biology, Cloud Computing, Conversation in the Cloud, customer service, Elisa Estonia, Intel, Jake Smith, machine learning, Markus Lippus, MindTitan, ML, real-time call analysis, telecommunications
Intel has long been at the forefront of radical innovations that have revolutionized the way we live and work – beginning with the development of the first microprocessor, transforming the world as we knew it by making a new era [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, data centers, Featured, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: AI, AI Everywhere, AR, Archana (Archie) Deskus, artificial intelligence, automation, developers, edge-to-cloud computing, high performance computing, HPC, IDZ, information technology, Intel, Intel Developer Zone, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, IT@Intel, oneAPI, pdf, UCD, UEP, Unified Customer Data, Unified Experience Platform, VR
In the gaming world, artificial intelligence (AI) is proving to be a game-changer. It has played a pivotal role in enhancing game-player’s experiences. Amongst other capabilities, Artificial intelligence is used to generate responsive, adaptive, or intelligent behaviors primarily in non-player [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 22:41
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Adam Goodrich, AI algorithms, animation, AR, AR VR experiences, artificial intelligence, Game Developers, Gaming, Meta Humans, Meta Worlds, Metaverse, Modalities, NPC, oneAPI, OpenVINO, Pathfinding, Peter Cross, Procedural Worlds, VR
Intel IT is using artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate yield ramp by clustering and classifying manufacturing failure patterns.
Expert yield analysis engineers have always performed end-of-line yield analysis at Intel’s silicon wafer factories (fabs). But as the number of products [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, clustering, deep learning, fabs, issue detection, machine learning, manufacturing failure patterns, root cause analysis, silicon wafer factories, Transforming Manufacturing
As the pandemic exposes the weakness in the global supply chain, companies are building a new one with cloud and AI.
The effects of the COVID pandemic have slowed supply chains in many verticals from agriculture to musical instrument makers. [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 8:48
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, COVID, Damien Pasquinelli, digital transformation, Hardis Group, Jerome Pedreno, Nutanix, pandemic, Supply Chains
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, Artificial Intelligence Solutions, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Conversation in the Cloud, Intel, Jake Smith, Nico Holmberg, Silo AI