Over the last couple of decades, the world of computer graphics has been growing at an amazing rate. From animated movies to video games, consumers have reaped the benefits of these technological advances. One of the latest algorithmic advances in [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 37:20
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: 3dsmax, C++, Chaos V-Ray, Devlopers, GPU, Intel, Intel Path Guiding Library, Maya, oneAPI, OpenPGL, Path guiding, Path tracing, ray tracing, rendering
Scientific visualization (SciVis) is a process of representing raw scientific data as images, which helps scientists improve their interpretations of large data sets. More and more, advanced visualization tools are becoming an integral part of a researcher’s analysis toolkit; and [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 19:04
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: 3D, Anne Bowen, C++, data analytics, developers, Donna Nemshick, Embree, Frontera, graphics, Intel, large data sets, oneAPI, Open Source, OpenVKL, Optane, OSPray, ParaView, ray tracing, rendering, rendering tool, scientific visualization, scivis, TACC, Texas Advanced Computing Center, visualization, VMD
Scientific visualization (SciVis) is providing new insights in health care and many other research areas in ways that we couldn’t imagine a decade ago. It’s an evolving field where extracting visualizations from very large data sets can improve analysis, diagnosis [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 25:53
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Healthcare, Intel Tags: COVID-19, gender bias, Intel oneAPI Rendering Toolkit, oneAPI, oxygenation helmet, ray tracing, rendering, scientific visualization, scivis, simulation, tumors, University of Chicago, visualization
We explore the critical role of visualization and visual analytics in disaster management and medical research with Paul Navrátil, Director of Visualization at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), and Jim Jeffers, Sr. Principal Engineer and Sr. Director of Advanced [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 30:53
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Amaro Lab, ANARI, Christiaan Gribble, cosmology, COVID, Department of Energy, Disaster Management, Disaster Recovery, disaster relief, Embree, exascale, Exascale Computing Project, flood, Frontera, geophysical exploration, high performance computing, HPC, hurricane, Intel, Intel CPU, Intel oneAPI Rendering Toolkit, IXPUG, Jim Ahrens, Khronos Group, Kitware, Lauren Meyers, Los Alamos National Lab, medical research, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Science Foundation, NOAA, oneAPI, Open Science, Open VKL, Open Volume Kernel Library, OSPray, pandemic, ParaView, physics, ray tracing, rendering, Rommie Amaro, Science, scientific, SOLAR Ray Tracing Consortium, Stampede II, Supercomputer, SURVICE Engineering, TACC, Texas Advancing Computing Center, University of California San Diego, University of Texas, UT, visualization, weather modeling
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Chip Chat: Network Insights Tags: 5G, Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, CGI, Chaos Group, Chip Chat, IBC, Intel, Network Insights, Optimized Ray Tracing, Phillip Miller, ray tracing, rendering, Visual Cloud
Intel CTO Justin Rattner’s candid preview of events at this week’s Intel Developer Forum included an overview of the presentations on Intel’s Penryn and Nehalem processors, and recent progress toward 32 nanometer chip production (and Intel’s efforts to keep up [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Intel Developer Forum Tags: 32 nanometer chip, Intel Developer Forum, Justin Rattner, Moore's Law, Nehalem, Parallel Computing, Penryn, ray tracing, rendering