Open standards underpin the future of heterogeneous programming, and as Intel Principal Engineer Jeff Hammond points out, SYCL has proven in many ways that “standards don’t cost you a thing and you get portability.” A modern C++ language, SYCL has [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 25:25
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: accessors, Aksel Alpay, AMD, backend, buffers, C++, Center of Excellence, Clang, Codeplay, compiler, ComputeCpp, cross-architecture, CUDA, DPC++, FPGA, GPU, Heidelberg University, heterogeneous, hipSYCL, HPC, Intel, Jeff Hammond, kernel, kernel library, Khronos Group, Kokkos, LLVM, MPI, NVIDIA, oneAPI, Open Source, Open Standards, OpenACC, OpenCL, OpenMP, Parallel Research Kernels, parallelism, pointers, queue, software programming, SYCL, SYCL 2020, task graph, tool chain, triSYCL, unified shared memory, Xilinx
Who better to have a spicy discussion with about #OpenMP than Tim Mattson and Bronis de Supinski? These two have truly lived at the forefront of the amazing, decades-long OpenMP journey, from its inception to its preeminence as a foundational [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 23:28
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Accelerators, C++, CUDA, DPC++, heterogeneous, high performance computing, HPC, Kokkos RAJA, loop transformations, offloading, oneAPI, OpenCL, OpenMP, parallel loops, parallel programming, parallelism, Python, SYCL
Denisa Constantinescu, a PhD student in Mechatronics, and a researcher in the Computer Architecture Department at the University of Malaga, and Maura Tokay, a lead software programmer at Science Systems and Applications, Inc., and a computer scientist within the Department [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 19:26
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Agriculture, AI, artificial intelligence, C++, climate change, CPU, crop yield, Diversity, DPC++, emergency response, GPU, heterogeneous, inclusion, Intel, Intel DevCloud, machine learning, medical, meteorological data, oneAPI, OpenCL, programming, Science Systems and Applications Inc., STEM, SYCL, TBB, unified shared memory, University of Malaga, USM
Dr. Tom Deakin, senior research associate and lecturer in the High-Performance Computing Research Group at the University of Bristol, and Dr. James Brodman, software engineer at Intel, unpack the tricky topic of performance portability to reveal what this concept truly [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 21:39
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: C++, compiler, CPU, developers, DPC++, Dr. James Brodman, exascale, GPU, heterogeneous, high performance computing, HPC, Intel, Intel DevCloud, modern C++, oneAPI, Open Standards, OpenCL, OpenMP, parallel programming, parallelism, performance, portability, programming, Supercomputer, Supercomputing, Supercomputing 2020, SYCL, SYCL 2020, Tom Deakin, University of Bristol
Is oneAPI living up to its promise? How do oneAPI and DPC++ relate to the Khronos Group SYCL and ISO C++ standards? Andrew Richards, Codeplay Software CEO, and Hal Finkel, Lead for Compiler Technology and Programming Languages at Argonne National [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: accelerator, Andrew Richards, Argonne, C++, CGRA, Codeplay, compute-intensive, CPU, cross-architecture, CUDA, data-intensive, DPC++, FPGA, GPU, Hal Finkel, heterogeneous computing, high performance computing, HPC, Intel, ISO, Khronos Group, NVIDIA, oneAPI, Open Source, Open Standards, OpenCL, Programming Languages, programming models, software programming, Supercomputer, SYCL, unified shared memory, USM
Ronan Keryell, principal software engineer at Xilinx, and Jeff Hammond, principal engineer at Intel, explain why open collaboration — modeled through open source and open standards — is key to solving some of today’s biggest challenges in research and industry, [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: AMD, C++, CGRA, Codeplay, ComputeCpp, CPU, cross-architecture, CUDA, DPC++, FPGA, GPU, heterogeneous computing, hipSYCL, HPC, Intel, ISO, Khronos Group, NVIDIA, oneAPI, Open Source, Open Standards, OpenCL, OpenMP, Programming Languages, programming models, Ronan Keryell, software programming, Supercomputing, SYCL, triSYCL, unified shared memory, USM, Xilinx
Existing math kernel libraries have lacked portability across heterogeneous platforms—until now. A unifying programming model—and availability of standard library interfaces—enables development of performance-portable libraries among diverse hardware architectures. In this episode, Julia Sukharina, Senior Engineering Manager at Intel, and Mehdi [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: BLAS, C++, Codeplay Software, compute-intensive, CuBLAS, CUDA, Data Parallel C++, data-intensive, developers, DPC++, GPU, heterogeneous, Intel Math Kernel Library, Julia Sukharina, libraries, linear algebra, math, math libraries, Mehdi Goli, MKL, NVIDIA, oneMKL, OpenCL, SYCL
In this episode of Code Together, Geoff Lowney, Senior Fellow at Intel, and Andrew Richards, CEO at Codeplay Software, discuss the value of standards in enabling hardware and software developers to collaborate and innovate. From the early days of video [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Accelerators, AI, artificial intelligence, C++, compilers, compute-intensive, CPU, CUDA, data parallel, data-intensive, developers, exascale, Geoff Lowney, GPU, high performance computing, HPC, Khronos, Khronos Group, LLVM, NVIDIA, oneAPI, Open Source, OpenCL, parallel programming, parallelism, Standards, SYCL