The rapid advancement in machine learning and data science fields have aided data scientists in arriving at meaningful insights. However, it’s not been an easy task to optimize machine learning infrastructures to allow data scientists to focus on their core [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 27:02
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI Artificial intelligence, API, Data Science, data scientist, domain specific languages, heterogeneous, machine learning, Modin, OmniSci, oneAPI, Opensource, Pandas, Python, Pytorch, SQL, XGBoost
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Cognitive Contact Center, Conversation in the Cloud, customer service, digital customer service, digital transformation, Intel, Mindtree, Python, S. Venkat, SigOpt
Adoption of Python has been enormous over the last decade. Why? It’s easy to use, accessible, versatile and can be used for AI, machine learning, data analytics, data visualization, and all types of science. Tune into how 3 experts are [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 26:36
Categories: Code Together, Intel Tags: C++, developers, Intel, Intel Distribution of Python, Intel oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit, NumPy, oneAPI, Pandas, Python, Python Data API Consortium, Python libraries, Pytorch, scikit-learn, SciPy, TensorFlow
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: AI Sense, Alok Mishra, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Cloud Computing, Conversation in the Cloud, COVID-19, Intel, learhealth, OpenVINO, pandemic, Python, safety compliance, TensorFlow, Wesense, Wipro
Who better to have a spicy discussion with about #OpenMP than Tim Mattson and Bronis de Supinski? These two have truly lived at the forefront of the amazing, decades-long OpenMP journey, from its inception to its preeminence as a foundational [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 23:28
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Accelerators, C++, CUDA, DPC++, heterogeneous, high performance computing, HPC, Kokkos RAJA, loop transformations, offloading, oneAPI, OpenCL, OpenMP, parallel loops, parallel programming, parallelism, Python, SYCL
Data scientists spend 60% of their time cleaning and preprocessing data, transforming this dirty data into crystallized insights. Dataframes, such as Pandas, provide exceptional tooling to address data wrangling tasks, yet Pandas themselves increasingly lack ease and speed as they [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Alex Baden, algebra, Apache Arrow, CPU, data analytics, data preprocessing, Data Science, data science pipeline, data scientist, database, dataframe, Devin Petersohn, DPC++, GPU, heterogeneous, Intel, Intel AI Analytics Toolkit, Intel Optane, just-in-time compilation, LLVM, Modin, NoSQL, OmniSci, OmniSciDB, oneAPI, Open Source, Pandas, Python, scikit-learn, SQL, VTune Profiler
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel on AI Tags: 5G, AI, Altran, artificial intelligence, deep learning, Intel AI Builders, machine learning, natural language processing, NetAnticipate, Python, Self-Healing 4G LTE Networks, Subhankar Pal, Supercomputing, TensorFlow
Peter Wang, CEO and Co-Founder of Anaconda, explains the series of happy accidents that have led to organic adoption of Python as the number one language among developers in data science and machine learning in this episode of Code Together [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI, Anaconda, artificial intelligence, Big Data, Conda, cross-architecture, data analyst, data analytics, data literacy, data parallelism, Data Science, data scientist, David Liu, DPC++, heterogeneous computing, machine learning, Numba, numerical, NumPy, oneAPI, Peter Wang, Programming Languages, PyData, Python, scientific computing, SciPy, software programming
In this episode of Intel Chip Chat, Anand Kashyap, CTO and Co-Founder of Fortanix, joins us to talk about their mission to solve for security and privacy in the cloud. Anand talks about how Fortanix believes the best security for [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Security Tags: Anand Kashyap, EDP, Enclave Development Program, Fortanix, hardware security, Intel SGX, Intel Software Guard Extensions, Java, Python, RSA, Runtime Encryption
Join Domino Data Labs Director of Product Mac Steele on another edition of Intel on AI. Mac illustrates the workflow challenges that many data scientists face today and how Domino’s Data Science Platform enables data science and quantitative research teams [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Intel, Intel on AI Tags: Adnan Kahleel, AI, Alexis Fink, artificial intelligence, Data Science, deep learning, Domino Data Labs, Emily Hutson, HPC, Intel, Intel Xeon Processors, Mac Steele, machine learning, National Science Foundation, Python, Supercomputing
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Data Science, Data Visualization, Dr. Julie Krugler Hollek, ethical data use, Hackbright Academ, machine learning, ntel, PyLadies, Python, SciPy Stack, unbiased data science algorithms
Categories: Featured, Gaming, HD Video, Information Technology, Mixamo, Technology, Video Podcast Tags: 3D Animation Software, 3D Character Creator, animation library, Auto-Rigging, Face Plus, facial control rig, Fuse characters, Game Creation, Game Development, Maya Auto-Control Rig Script, Mixamo, Mixamo 2.0, Python, tutorial