In this second episode about GROMACS, one of the world’s most widely used open source molecular dynamics (MD) applications, we explore the quest to simplify portable, performant programming with Erik Lindahl, Biophysics Professor at Stockholm University & KTH Royal Institute [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI, Andrey Alekseenko, biophysics, C++, COVID, cross-architecture, CUDA, distributed computing, DPC++, electrostatic, Erik Lindahl, exascale, floating point operations, GROMACS, heterogeneous, HPC, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, ligno-cellulose, MD, molecular, molecular dynamics, molecular simulation, oneAPI, pandemic, parallel programming, parallelism, Roland Schulz, SciLifeLab, SIMD, Stockholm University, Supercomputing, SYCL
In Part I of two episodes about GROMACS, one of the world’s most widely used open source molecular dynamics (MD) applications, Erik Lindahl, Biophysics Professor at Stockholm University & KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Roland Schulz, Parallel Software Engineer [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: AI, biophysics, C++, Coulomb’s Law of Interaction, COVID, CUDA, developers, distributed computing, DPC++, electrostatic, exascale, floating point operations, Folding@home, GROMACS, HPC, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, ligno-cellulose, MD, molecular, molecular dynamics, molecular simulation, oneAPI, pandemic, parallel programming, parallelism, protein folding, SIMD, Stockholm University, Supercomputing, SYCL
Today’s monolithic mainframe approach to computing will soon be shattered and dispersed because that’s the nature of computing, according to Nutanix CEO Dheeraj Pandey. This animation brings to life a talk Pandey gave to technology analysts at .NEXT in Anaheim, [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Cloud Computing, data centers, Featured, HD Video, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix, Video Podcast Tags: Cloud Computing, computer dispersion, computer innovation, datacenter dispersion, Dheeraj Pandey, distributed computing, mainframe, NeXT, Nutanix, uber computing