Scientific visualization (SciVis) is a process of representing raw scientific data as images, which helps scientists improve their interpretations of large data sets. More and more, advanced visualization tools are becoming an integral part of a researcher’s analysis toolkit; and [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: 3D, Anne Bowen, C++, data analytics, developers, Donna Nemshick, Embree, Frontera, graphics, Intel, large data sets, oneAPI, Open Source, OpenVKL, Optane, OSPray, ParaView, ray tracing, rendering, rendering tool, scientific visualization, scivis, TACC, Texas Advanced Computing Center, visualization, VMD
Intel on AI: Adnan Kahleel, Senior Director Global Sales Strategist for HPC and AI at Dell EMC, joins hosts Alexis Fink and Emily Hutson on this inaugural episode of the Intel on AI podcast. Adnan discusses how Intel and Dell [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Dell, Intel, Intel on AI, Microsoft, Technology Tags: Adnan Kahleel, AI, Alexis Fink, artificial intelligence, deep learning, Dell, EMC, Emily Hutson, HPC, Intel, Intel Xeon Processors, machine learning, National Science Foundation, NSF, Supercomputing, TACC, Texas Advanced Computing Center, Zenith
Categories: Audio Podcast, Corporate, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Chip Chat, data center, Eco-Technology, energy efficiency, green, Intel, Pecan Street project, Smart Grid, Texas Advanced Computing Center
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Chip Chat, HPC, Intel, Intel Many Core, John Hengeveld, Many Integrated Core, MIC, Texas Advanced Computing Center