The next generation of scientists and coders need more than a love of science and technology. The use of supercomputers in digital design to simulation pose opportunities solving the world’s biggest questions. Katherine Riley, director of science for Argonne’s Leadership [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 29:51
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Argonne, code together, coders, Data Science, deep learning, developers, experiment, inspiration, Intel, Joe Curley, Katherine Riley, oneAPI, researchers, Science, scientists, simulation, Supercomputer, Supercomputing
We explore the critical role of visualization and visual analytics in disaster management and medical research with Paul Navrátil, Director of Visualization at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), and Jim Jeffers, Sr. Principal Engineer and Sr. Director of Advanced [See the full post…] |
Listen/download audio 30:53
Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Amaro Lab, ANARI, Christiaan Gribble, cosmology, COVID, Department of Energy, Disaster Management, Disaster Recovery, disaster relief, Embree, exascale, Exascale Computing Project, flood, Frontera, geophysical exploration, high performance computing, HPC, hurricane, Intel, Intel CPU, Intel oneAPI Rendering Toolkit, IXPUG, Jim Ahrens, Khronos Group, Kitware, Lauren Meyers, Los Alamos National Lab, medical research, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Science Foundation, NOAA, oneAPI, Open Science, Open VKL, Open Volume Kernel Library, OSPray, pandemic, ParaView, physics, ray tracing, rendering, Rommie Amaro, Science, scientific, SOLAR Ray Tracing Consortium, Stampede II, Supercomputer, SURVICE Engineering, TACC, Texas Advancing Computing Center, University of California San Diego, University of Texas, UT, visualization, weather modeling
Categories: Cloud Computing, Corporate, Intel, IT White Papers, The Personal Cloud Tags: Berkeley, brain research, Intel Atom, Jack Gallant, Personal Cloud, Science, Thecus Storage
Categories: HD Video, Intel, The Tomorrow Project Tags: Brian David Johnson, Computer Science, Cory Doctorow, encryption, Futurist, privacy, rainbow table, Science, science fiction, science fiction writer, Security, Society, Technology, technology activist, wireless networks
Categories: HD Video, Intel Labs, Video Podcast Tags: Andrew Liu, Bryan He, Carrie Cao, Chelsea Voss, David Tang-Quan, Elaine Zhou, Emily Chen, Eta Atolia, Evan O'Dorney, Grace Phillips, Intel, Intel Science Talent Search, Intel Science Talent Search 2011, Intel STS, Jenny Liu, Jonathan Li, Keenan Monks, Laurie Rumker, Matthew Miller, Nikhil Parthasarathy, Nonie Arora, Prithwis Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Rohan Mahajan, Ryan Lee, Science, Scott Boisvert, Shubhangi Arora, Society for Science and the Public, Sung Won Cho, Sunil Pai, Wenyu Cao, Xiaoyu Cao, young scientist
Categories: Audio Podcast, Future Lab Radio, Intel, Intel Free Press, Intel Labs, Research@Intel Tags: Alzheimers, bio-degradation, Evan O'Dorney, Future Lab Radio, Healthcare IT, Intel, Intel Science Talent Search, Intel STS, Laurie Rumker, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Oregon Episcopal School, Organoclay, Research Science Institute, Science, Si-Yi Ryan Lee, Superfund sites
Beethoven’s 14th String Quartet, a tangled seven movement masterpiece, has been regarded by some as the pinnacle of art music. It was never conceived to be played for an audience (few of his quartets were) but an orchestrated version helped [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Intel Tags: art, Beethoven, Gidon Kremer, Kremerata Baltica, Opus 131, Robert Winter, Science, Science and Art, String Quartet, UCLA
Categories: Corporate, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Chip Chat, Engineering, Fair, Intel, Intel Science Awards, Intel Talent Search, Research, Science