Accelerating Our Future: 2020-2021 Intel IT Annual Performance Report

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As one of the world’s largest semiconductor chip makers, Intel’s vision is to be the performance leader that unleashes the potential of data. In this era of rapid change and distributed intelligence, we see artificial intelligence (AI), 5G network transformation and the intelligent, autonomous edge as the fastest growing opportunities for Intel and our customers. As we have transformed to position our company and our customers for growth, Intel’s Information Technology (IT) team has partnered with the business to drive innovative solutions with emerging technologies.

Our digital transformation was well underway when the COVID-19 pandemic made computing power even more essential and caused us to expedite our plans. As an essential industry, Intel’s ability to meet its customers’ demands for more product depended on keeping employees safe and productive under extraordinary circumstances. We needed to enable our worldwide manufacturing operations to continue uninterrupted even as the world changed overnight.

Most of our 110,000-strong global workforce transitioned to working from home in a matter of days. This required us to enable remote capabilities to monitor and control our factory operations; install and troubleshoot manufacturing equipment; keep a complex global supply chain flowing in the face of burgeoning customer demand; and connect our extensive ecosystem of employees, customers and suppliers to communicate and collaborate to keep our business moving.

We had built a strong foundation prior to the pandemic and we worked together with our business partners to identify priorities and swiftly implement changes that would drive the best results for employees and Intel’s ecosystem. In a world of social distancing, restricted travel and working from home, we learned to adapt our culture and work styles to support an effective and motivated team. We continue to address these challenges while supporting Intel’s strategic transition for a world in which everything looks like a computer and enabling a significant expansion of the company’s capacity.

Read more in the full Accelerating Our Future: 2020-2021 Intel IT Annual Performance Report

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