Burnout: Is Your Organization on Fire?

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For years, experts have been sounding the alarm that burnout is endangering the health and well-being of employees across the globe. Then the pandemic happened, and according to burnout expert Jennifer Moss, the stress of the last year “has been like putting a match to a workforce in drought.” In our latest podcast, we speak with Jennifer about the scale of the burnout crisis, why it’s an organizational rather than individual problem, and tips for employers looking to both prevent and treat it.

References on stress as a leading cause of death: Stress has been identified as “a major contributing factor to the six leading causes of death in the United States.” (Salleh MR. Life event, stress and illness. Malays J Med Sci. 2008;15(4):9-18.) There is also research to indicate that workplace stress is a leading cause of death in the U.S. (McGregor J. This professor says the workplace is the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. The Washington Post. March 22, 2018. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/on-leadership/wp/2018/03/22/this-professor-says-the-workplace-is-the-fifth-leading-cause-of-death-in-the-u-s/.)

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