In the gaming world, artificial intelligence (AI) is proving to be a game-changer. It has played a pivotal role in enhancing game-player’s experiences. Amongst other capabilities, Artificial intelligence is used to generate responsive, adaptive, or intelligent behaviors primarily in non-player [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel Tags: Adam Goodrich, AI algorithms, animation, AR, AR VR experiences, artificial intelligence, Game Developers, Gaming, Meta Humans, Meta Worlds, Metaverse, Modalities, NPC, oneAPI, OpenVINO, Pathfinding, Peter Cross, Procedural Worlds, VR
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Chip Chat: Network Insights Tags: 5G, 5G Gaming, Accedian, Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, GaaS, Gaming, Intel, MobiledgeX, Network Insights, Next Gen Mobile Networks, Richard Piasentin, Xeon Scalable
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, augmented reality, Chip Chat, cloud graphics, deep learning, Gaming, Intel, Jim Blakley, media transcoding, virtual desktops, virtual reality, Visual Cloud, visual computing technologies
Categories: Featured, Gaming, HD Video, Mixamo, Video Podcast Tags: 3D Animation Software, 3D Animation Software Tutorial, 3D Character Creator, animation, Game Development, Gaming, Source Filmmaker, tutorial
Categories: Business Solutions for IT Managers, data centers, Intel, IT White Papers Tags: Business Solutions for IT Managers, data centers, Gaming, Hidden Path Entertainment, Intel, Intel Xeon processor E5, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, pdf, video game
Jake Kahle, principal of Something Gaming Partners (Twitter.com/JakeKahle and phone: 702-481-6954) is working marketing partnerships and leveraging social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to help many Las Vegas casinos. These casinos live and die off their databases which [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Marketing Voices Tags: Casinos, Facebook, Gaming, Jake Kahle, Las Vegas, Marking, social media, Something Gaming Partners, Twitter
Categories: Intel Tags: 2010 Core Processors, 32nm, CES 2010, Core, Gaming, HD Graphics, high-k, Hyper-Threading, i3, i5, i7, Integrated Graphics, Intel, Paul Otellini, Turbo Boost
Categories: BlogWorld and New Media Expo, Corporate Tags: blogging, BlogWorld, Brian Solis, Chad Vader, Chris Brogan, Don Lemon, Gaming, Guy Kawasaki, Jay Rosen, Jeremiah Owyang, Joanna Drake Earl, Kara Swisher, Kevin Pollak, Las Vegas Convention Center, Laura Fitton, Leo Laporte, music, new media, online video, podcasting, Radio, Scott Monty, social media, Social Media Business Summit, Ted Murphy, TV, Vlogging, Wendy Piersall
The Core i7 microprocessor (built on Intel’s Nehalem microarchitecture) represents a major advance in computing to enable chips to handle more data. In this video podcast, Ronak Singhal, a lead architect on Nehalem, says the chip design is an overhaul–the [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Intel, Intel Nehalem Tags: chip design, Core i7, energy efficiency, Energy Smart, Francois Piednoel, Gaming, Hyper-Threading, Intel, microarchitecture, microprocessor, Nehalem, Rani Borkar, Regina Wu, Ronak Singhal, Turbo Boost Technology
The Intel Developer Forum has become a major event on the technology industry calendar with keynotes that make international headlines. But at the heart of IDF are the sessions where developers get access to the details of new products and [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, IDF Promo, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, Intel IDF Current, Intel Nehalem Tags: Centrino, Gaming, IDF, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, Nehalem, notebooks, Shanghai
Categories: Digital Entertainment, Gaming, The Reboot Tags: Gaming, Guitar Hero, Halo 3, Madden, NBA 2k8, pro gamer, professional gamer, Rio Pesino, The Reboot
Categories: CES BlogHaus 2008, CES Las Vegas - Consumer Electronics Show, Connected Social Media, Digital Entertainment, Gaming, Microsoft, Tech Conferences and Events, The Reboot Tags: 3D Animation, Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, Bill Gates, bloghaus, CES, CESBlogHaus, DualView, Games for Windows, Gaming, Microsoft, Playstation Portable, PSP, Skype, Sony, Space Siege, Texas Instruments, Turning Point: Fall of Liberty, Xbox 360
Categories: CES BlogHaus 2008, CES Las Vegas - Consumer Electronics Show, Connected Social Media, Digital Entertainment, Gaming, Tech Conferences and Events, The Reboot Tags: bloghaus, CES, Gaming, Little Big Planet, Rio Pesino, Sony Playstation 3, The Reboot
If you’ve got the winter golf blues, Electric~Spin has the cure. Electric~Spin’s Golf Launchpad Tour is a unique golf simulation device that allows users to play golf in the convenience of their home, with their own clubs. The golf Launchpad [See the full post…] |
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Categories: CES BlogHaus 2008, CES Las Vegas - Consumer Electronics Show, Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, Gaming, RockyMountainVoices, Tech Conferences and Events Tags: 3D Animation, bloghaus, CES, CES 2008, EA Sports, Electric Spin, Gaming, golf, Tiger Woods
At Intel’s recent Research Day, we bumped into 20,000 pigs bumping into each other — part of a demonstration into the future of parallel software for multi-core chips. Tera-scale chip technology could revolutionize the PC experience by allowing computers to [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Research@Intel Tags: Gaming, Intel, multi-core, parallel software, Research Day, Tera-scale
Categories: Apple Voices, Connected Social Media, E3 - Electronic Entertainment Expo, Enterprise 2.0, Gaming, Tech Conferences and Events, Technology Tags: Apple, Electronic Arts, Gaming, ID Software, WWDC
Susie Wee has a great job — she’s the director of the HP Labs Mobile and Media Systems Lab, which means she works on gaming and entertainment systems. I spoke with Ms. Wee in San Francisco, at an HP Gaming [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, Silicon Valley Watcher Tags: Gaming, HP, HPE, Susie Wee
Video game physics, animation and visual effects are very important aspects in creating a realistic and fun gaming experience. Havok is one company that enhances that experience, providing game developers with a modular suite of tools that allows them to [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Gaming, Intel, Tech Conferences and Events, Technology Tags: 3D Animation, Game Developers, Gaming, Havok, Jeff Yates
The World Series of Video Gamers, sponsored by Intel, was a smash hit at CES. Gaming is one of the fastest growing areas in the entertainment industry, and thanks to Intel’s Core2Duo processors and the next generation of Core2Extreme [See the full post…] |
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Categories: CES BlogHaus 2008, CES Las Vegas - Consumer Electronics Show, Connected Social Media, Corporate, Gaming, Intel, Intel CES, Intel Gaming, Tech Conferences and Events, Technology Tags: CES, Core2Duo, Core2Extreme, Core2Quad, Gaming, Intel, IntelGaming, World Series of Video Gamers