Categories: Audio Podcast, Information Technology, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Oracle Tags: Allyson Klein, Chip Chat, data center, database, Hyper-Threading, Intel, performance, platform, RISC migration, server, Steve Shaw, workload, Xeon
Categories: Intel Tags: 2010 Core Processors, 32nm, CES 2010, Core, Gaming, HD Graphics, high-k, Hyper-Threading, i3, i5, i7, Integrated Graphics, Intel, Paul Otellini, Turbo Boost
The Core i7 microprocessor (built on Intel’s Nehalem microarchitecture) represents a major advance in computing to enable chips to handle more data. In this video podcast, Ronak Singhal, a lead architect on Nehalem, says the chip design is an overhaul–the [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Intel, Intel Nehalem Tags: chip design, Core i7, energy efficiency, Energy Smart, Francois Piednoel, Gaming, Hyper-Threading, Intel, microarchitecture, microprocessor, Nehalem, Rani Borkar, Regina Wu, Ronak Singhal, Turbo Boost Technology