The Core i7 microprocessor (built on Intel’s Nehalem microarchitecture) represents a major advance in computing to enable chips to handle more data. In this video podcast, Ronak Singhal, a lead architect on Nehalem, says the chip design is an overhaul–the [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Intel, Intel Nehalem Tags: chip design, Core i7, energy efficiency, Energy Smart, Francois Piednoel, Gaming, Hyper-Threading, Intel, microarchitecture, microprocessor, Nehalem, Rani Borkar, Regina Wu, Ronak Singhal, Turbo Boost Technology
At Intel’s Jones Farm Campus in Hillsboro, Oregon, the new Core i7 chip is going through the rigors of testing. Stephen Gunther is Power Management Architect at Intel who shows how the new Turbo Mode feature revolutionizes multi-core processor performance, [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Intel, Intel Nehalem Tags: chip design, Core i7, energy efficiency, Energy Smart, Hillsboro, Intel, Nehalem, Power Management, processor, Stephen Gunther, Turbo Mode