Fortanix Delivers Tremendous Value to Security – Intel Chip Chat – Episode 637

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In this episode of Intel Chip Chat, Anand Kashyap, CTO and Co-Founder of Fortanix, joins us to talk about their mission to solve for security and privacy in the cloud. Anand talks about how Fortanix believes the best security for applications and data in the cloud can’t be built just using software, it has to be enforced with hardware security. Anand talks about the start of Fortanix and how they built around Intel Software Guard Extensions (Intel SGX) and now offer an array of products from their Runtime Encryption Platform to their recently launched Enclave Development Program (EDP). Fortanix will be at RSA this year to showcase their new platform EDP, and demo how they are making Intel SGX available to more developers across the world with broader support for languages like Java and Python.

Learn more about how Intel and Fortanix are protecting data at-rest, in-motion, and in-use by visiting:

Stop by booth #N6173 at RSA 2019.

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Posted in: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Security