Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Cloud Computing, Conversation in the Cloud, edge computing, image recognition, Intel, Intel Movidius Myriad X Vision Processing Unit, Intel Xeon Processors, Jake Smith, Sebastian Borchers, VPU, Wahtari
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: AI, Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Balaji Iyer, BERT, bfloat16, Chip Chat, Intel, Intel Deep Learning Boost, Intel Xeon Processors, Pytorch, TensorFlow
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Chip Chat: Network Insights Tags: 5G, 5G RAN, Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, cloud-native infrastructure, Intel, Intel Xeon Processors, Kuntal Chowdhury, Mavenir, microservices, mobile networks, MWC Barcelona, Network Insights, Smart NICs
Join Domino Data Labs Director of Product Mac Steele on another edition of Intel on AI. Mac illustrates the workflow challenges that many data scientists face today and how Domino’s Data Science Platform enables data science and quantitative research teams [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Intel, Intel on AI Tags: Adnan Kahleel, AI, Alexis Fink, artificial intelligence, Data Science, deep learning, Domino Data Labs, Emily Hutson, HPC, Intel, Intel Xeon Processors, Mac Steele, machine learning, National Science Foundation, Python, Supercomputing
Intel on AI: Adnan Kahleel, Senior Director Global Sales Strategist for HPC and AI at Dell EMC, joins hosts Alexis Fink and Emily Hutson on this inaugural episode of the Intel on AI podcast. Adnan discusses how Intel and Dell [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Dell, Intel, Intel on AI, Microsoft, Technology Tags: Adnan Kahleel, AI, Alexis Fink, artificial intelligence, deep learning, Dell, EMC, Emily Hutson, HPC, Intel, Intel Xeon Processors, machine learning, National Science Foundation, NSF, Supercomputing, TACC, Texas Advanced Computing Center, Zenith
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: AI Application Performance, Allyson Klein, artificial intelligence, Audio Podcast, Caffe, Chip Chat, deep learning, Deep Neural Networks, Dr. Andres Rodriguez, Intel, Intel Math Kernel Library, Intel MKL-DNN, Intel Xeon Processors, MXNet, Pytorch, TensorFlow
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Complex Data, high performance computing, HPC, Intel, Intel Select Solutions, Intel Xeon Processors, Jim Jeffers, Visualization Solutions
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: 5G, Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Cloud Data Centers, CoSPs, Gemalto, Intel, Intel Xeon Processors, MWC, Paul Bradley, virtualized data, virtualized networks, voice communication networks
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Chip Chat: Network Insights Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Converged Edge Systems, Dr. Tom Bradicich, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, HPE, HPE Edgeline, HPE Moonshot, Intel, Intel Network Builders, Intel Xeon Processors, IoT, Network Insights, NW operational technologies
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Cloud Computing, Conversation in the Cloud, enterprise cloud, Fujitsu K5, Intel, Intel Xeon Processors, Will Wetton
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Cloud Computing, Conversation in the Cloud, Greg Campbell, Intel, Intel Xeon Processors, NVM Express, private cloud, private cloud infrastructure software, Solid State Drive Data Center, SSD, Yottabyte
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Audio Podcast, Azure Marketplace, Business Continuity, Chip Chat, Cloud Computing, Conversation in the Cloud, DataCore, DataCore SANsymphony, Disaster Recovery, Intel, Intel Xeon Processors, large scale disasters, Sushant Rao, wildfires
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: 3D XPoint, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Cloud Computing, cloud solutions, Conversation in the Cloud, Intel, Intel Solid-State Drives, Intel Xeon Processors, Venky Nagapudi, Vexata
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Audio Podcast, BoundaryControl, Chip Chat, Cloud Computing, Conversation in the Cloud, Data Sovereignty, Hytrust, Intel, Intel Trusted Execution Technology, Intel TXT, Intel Xeon Processors, John Skinner
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, David Heppe, Imagine Communications, Intel, Intel Iris Pro graphics, Intel Xeon Processors, OTT Video
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Deep Neural Networks, Dr. Pradeep Dubey, Intel, Intel Labs, Intel Math Kernel Library, Intel MKL-DNN, Intel Xeon Processors, machine learning
Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Compute, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: Deep Packet Inspection, DPI, Hyperscan, Intel Atom, intel processors, Intel Xeon Processors, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intelligent Compute, Intelligent Networking, Pattern Matching, SDI, SDN, Software-defined infrastructure
Categories: Business Solutions for IT Managers, Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Intel, IT White Papers Tags: Business Solutions for IT Managers, Cloud Analytics, cloudera, data analytics, eHarmony, Intel, Intel Xeon Processors, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, pdf
Categories: Business Solutions for IT Managers, Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Intel, IT White Papers Tags: Business Solutions for IT Managers, cloudera, eHarmony, Intel, Intel Xeon Processors, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, pdf
Categories: Business Solutions for IT Managers, data centers, Information Technology, Intel, IT White Papers Tags: Business Solutions for IT Managers, data center efficiency, Germany, High Performance Computing Center, HLRS, HPC, HPE, Intel, Intel Xeon Processors, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, pdf, Stuttgart
Categories: Featured, HD Video, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, Video Podcast Tags: Comprehensive Business Systems, data archiving, data center, Data Protection, data recovery, Enterprise storage, Intel Xeon processor E3 v2, Intel Xeon Processors, Intel: Intelligent Storage, scalability, servers, Storage Infrastructure, testimonial, virtual boot, Western Digital, Western Digital Sentinel S-Series servers
Categories: Business Solutions for IT Managers, data centers, Information Technology, Intel, IT White Papers Tags: Bibb County School District, Business Solutions for IT Managers, education, Intel, Intel Xeon Processors, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, pdf, Technology in K–12
Categories: Cisco, Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: Cisco Nexus switches, Cisco Unified Computing System Blade Servers, Citrix CloudPlatform, cloud, data archiving, data center, Data Protection, Enterprise storage, FlexPod, Intel Xeon Processors, Intel: Intelligent Storage, NetApp, private cloud, scalability, Storage Infrastructure, University of São Paulo
Categories: Information Technology, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: backup, data, data archiving, data center, Data Protection, Enterprise storage, Hawai’i Undersea Research Laboratory, HP X5220, HURL, Intel Xeon Processors, Intel: Intelligent Storage, NAS, pdf, scalability, Storage Infrastructure