Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Healthcare, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix, Technology Tags: AI, Coronavirus, Coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19, digital health, Dr. David Shaywitz, drug development, Medicine, SARS-CoV-2, vaccine development
For some people a job or a profession takes on a greater significance than just career. It becomes a life’s work. Bala Kutchibhotla has spent his life working, developing and innovating database technology.
Follow the enterprise cloud tech revolution at [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix, virtualization Tags: Bala Kutchibhotla, data system management, Database Provisioning, Databases, Nutanix, relational databases, virtualization
“When you can’t count it, and you can consume it as much as you need it for your business, it becomes practically infinite,” said Holger Mueller, vice president and principal analyst of Constellation Research. In this Tech Barometer segment, Mueller [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix Tags: Big Data, Constellation Research, Hadoop, Holger Mueller, Hybrid Cloud, Hybrid Computing, infinite computing, infinite connectivity, infinite deep learning, infinite machine learning
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Big Data, Intel, Intel on AI Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, BigData Corp., deep learning, machine learning, natural language processing, Supercomputing, Thoran Rodrigues
Categories: Audio Podcast, Big Data, data centers, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: AI workflows, Allyson Klein, Apache Spark, Audio Podcast, Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Chip Chat, data analytics, Data Center Optimization, Intel, Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory, Intel Software and Services, Spark SQL
Categories: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: AI Ecosystem, Analytics Zoo, Apache Spark, Audio Podcast, BigDL, Chip Chat, Cloud Computing, Conversation in the Cloud, data analytics, Intel, Intel Select Solutions, Radhika Rangarajan
Categories: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Big Data Analytics, Chip Chat, exascale computing, high performance computing, HPC, Intel, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, machine learning, Trish Damkroger
Categories: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Cloud Computing, continuous analytics, Conversation in the Cloud, iguazio, Intel, Intel Xeon processor E5-2600, Yaron Haviv
Categories: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Audio Podcast, Bernie Wu, Big Data, Chip Chat, Cloud Computing, Conversation in the Cloud, Helium Key Value Store, Intel, Intel Optane, Levyx, Levyx-Spark Connector, Real-Time Persistent Computing, Xenon
IT Best Practices: Data mining using machine learning enables businesses and organizations to discover fresh insights previously hidden within their data. Whether exploring oil reserves, improving the safety of automobiles, or mapping genomes, machine-learning algorithms are at the heart [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Big Data, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: Big Data, data mining, deep insights, information technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, IT@Intel, machine learning, mapping genomes, pdf, resellers, sales and marketing, vertical marketing
Today Java is ubiquitous across the enterprise. Flexible and powerful, Java is the ideal choice for development teams worldwide.
Zing builds upon Java’s advantages by delivering a robust, highly scalable Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to match the needs of today’s [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Big Data, IT White Papers, Oracle OpenWorld Tags: Azul Systems, Big Data, ecommerce, financial systems, insurance portals, Java, Java virtual machine, JVM, SAAS, ZING
SGI UV 300 was designed to address the computational and data access challenges facing large business and technical computing environments by overcoming the limitations associated with traditional High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters. A growing number of enterprise and technical computing [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Big Data, IT White Papers, Oracle OpenWorld Tags: data-intensive workloads, high performance computing, high performance in-memory computing, high-performance data analysis, HPC, HPDA, Intel Xeon, Oracle OpenWorld, RAS, Serviceability, SGI, SGI UV 300, System Reliability
Categories: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Chip Chat, Chris Grossmeier, Cloud Computing, CloudPhysics, Conversation in the Cloud, Intel, SAAS
Organizations are saving 70%+ by switching from Oracle to MongoDB. When evaluating databases, it is helpful to consider the relative costs of each solution — not just the cost of the software, but also the hardware, development and deployment costs. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Big Data, Information Technology, IT White Papers, Oracle OpenWorld Tags: Big Data, database, Flexible, MongoDB, Next Generation Database, NoSQL, Oracle, RDBMS, relational database, Scaleable, Schema-less, tco
The Unstructured Data Analysis Series explores unstructured data analytic capabilities using Oracle’s Big Data Discovery. Oracle’s Big Data Discovery is a great tool for gaining visibility into unstructured data. This session focuses on using the group value feature to combine [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Baker Tilly, Big Data, HD Video, Oracle, Oracle OpenWorld, Video Podcast Tags: Baker Tilly, Big Data, Big Data Discovery, external forum data, Oracle, Oracle OpenWorld, Oracle’s Big Data Discovery, tutorial, unstructured data, Unstructured Data Analysis
The Unstructured Data Analysis Series explores unstructured data analytic capabilities using Oracle’s Big Data Discovery. Oracle’s Big Data Discovery is a great tool for gaining visibility into unstructured data. This session focuses on how to use tag clouds to facilitate [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Baker Tilly, Big Data, HD Video, Oracle, Oracle OpenWorld Tags: Baker Tilly, Big Data, external forum data, Oracle, Oracle OpenWorld, Oracle’s Big Data Discovery, tutorial, unstructured data, Unstructured Data Analysis
The Unstructured Data Analysis Series explores unstructured data analytic capabilities using Oracle’s Big Data Discovery. Oracle’s Big Data Discovery is a great tool for gaining visibility into unstructured data. This session focuses on how to use whitelists to extract meaning [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Baker Tilly, Big Data, HD Video, Oracle OpenWorld, Video Podcast Tags: Baker Tilly, Big Data, external forum data, Oracle, Oracle OpenWorld, Oracle’s Big Data Discovery, tutorial, unstructured data, Unstructured Data Analysis
There’s a lot of hype around unstructured data. However, a recent survey of 300 database administrators (DBAs) suggests that most organizations will continue to focus on managing structured data.
Learn more about what’s hype and what’s common practice when it [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Big Data, Cloud Computing, data centers, Dell, EMC Corporation, IT White Papers, Oracle OpenWorld, virtualization Tags: Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Management, database administrators, Database Management, Databases, DBAs, Dell, EMC, Hadoop, NoSQL, Oracle OpenWorld, unstructured data, virtualization
The relational database has been the foundation of enterprise data management for over thirty years. But the way we build and run applications today, coupled with growth in data sources and user loads, are pushing relational databases beyond their limits. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Big Data, IT White Papers, Oracle, Oracle OpenWorld Tags: Big Data, Cisco, database, eHarmony, Flexible, MongoDB, Next Generation Database, NoSQL, Oracle, RDBMS, relational database, Scaleable, Schema-less, Under Armour, Verizon
Categories: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Dell, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Armando Acosta, Audio Podcast, Big Data, Chip Chat, Dell, Dell PowerEdge R930, Hadoop, Intel, Intel Xeon E7-8890 V4
Categories: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: algorithmic innovation, Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, deep learning, Intel, Intel Math Kernel Library, Intel Xeon Phi, Joe Spisak, machine learning, scale compute
Categories: Audio Podcast, Big Data, HPE - Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Apollo 4520, Apollo 6000, Audio Podcast, Big Data, Bill Mannel, Chip Chat, HPC, HPE, HPE Apollo, Intel, Intel Xeon Phi, Internet of Things, IoT, Lustre software, Omni-Path Architecture, OPA
IT Best Practices: Episode 97 – Big data and advanced analytics have become increasingly important to Intel. More and more people and business groups rely on Intel’s big data capabilities to maximize productivity. A recent step in the evolution [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Inside IT, Intel, Intel IT, IT@Intel Tags: Apache Hadoop, Audio Podcast, Big Data, Chandu Yalla, cloudera, Hadoop, information technology, innovation, Inside IT, Intel, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT@Intel
IT Best Practices: Intel IT values open-source-based, big data processing using Apache Hadoop software. Last year we migrated from the Intel Distribution for Apache Hadoop software to the Cloudier Enterprise software.
Based on our original experience with Apache Hadoop [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Big Data, Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT White Papers, IT@Intel Tags: Apache Hadoop, Apache Sentry, Big Data, Cloudera Navigator Key Trustee, information technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT Whitepaper, IT@Intel, Kerberos, pdf