MWC Livecast with Gemalto: Securing the 5G Digital Transformation – Intel Chip Chat – Episode 591

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In this Intel Chip Chat audio podcast with Allyson Klein: Paul Bradley, Head of 5G Strategy and Partnerships for Gemalto, joined Chip Chat at MWC 2018. Gemalto creates a fabric of trust across the digital economy, protecting individuals, institutions and data. Bradley emphasized the need for greater awareness and industry collaboration around 5G security requirements. Operators are understandably focused on interoperability, spectrum acquisition and go-to-market planning. With major technology changes, it will be critically important to maintain trust through vigorous privacy, data protection and regulatory compliance investments.

Not just a new radio technology, 5G will drive new areas of digital transformation for Gemalto customers across government, banking, mobile and IoT and enterprises as well as the horizontal cybersecurity industry. Communication service providers (CoSPs) will become more than conduits of information, instead storing data at edge and core of the network, analyzing that data and triggering automated actions based on the data. CoSPs need to physically and logically secure data wherever it will be stored within the 5G system.

In increasingly virtualized data and voice communication networks, Gemalto is delivering robust processor-level cybersecurity solutions. Gemalto’s SafeNet Data Protection On-Demand is a cloud-based, security-as-a-service platform that supports a diverse range of encryption, key management and hardware security module services. It offers developers a single gateway through which software solutions can be implemented direct to Intel Software Guard Extensions, the highly protected enclaves embedded in the architecture of Intel Xeon processors for cloud data centers and virtualized networks.

For more information on securing virtualized and 5G networks, download the whitepaper “A new trust model for the 5G Era”.

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