Categories: Audio Podcast, Tech Barometer - From The Forecast by Nutanix, Technology Tags: HCI, hyperconverged infrastructure, Modernizing IT, Moor Insights & Strategy, Nutanix, SDI, SDN, Software Defined Networking, Software-defined infrastructure, Steve McDowell, Tech Barometer, The Forecast by Nutanix
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Chip Chat: Network Insights, virtualization Tags: 5G, Allyson Klein, Anders Vestergren, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Ericsson, Intel, Network Insights, NFVI, SDI, Software-defined infrastructure, virtualization, Xeon Scalable
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: 99Cloud, Audio Podcast, China, Chip Chat, Cloud Computing, Conversation in the Cloud, data centers, Intel, Intel Xeon, Kai Li, OpenStack, SDI
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Conversations in the Cloud Tags: Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Cloud Computing, Conversation in the Cloud, Dr. Raj Yavatkar, hybrid cloud infrastructure, Intel, SDI, self-healing data center, self-managing data center, Snap open telemetry framework, Software-defined infrastructure, Tim Allen, VMware
Categories: Audio Podcast, data centers, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Developer Forum Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Das Kamhout, Data Center Solutions, Distributed Analytics Solutions, Dr. Brian Womack, IDF, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, nap telemetry framework, OpenStack, SDI, TAP, Trusted Analytics Platform
The IT Automation Cloud 1.0 validated design supports active/active dual-regions with each region being comprised of a single availability zone.
In this design, the foundation components, such as the management and edge pods are deployed in each region were their [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Cloud Computing, data centers, Featured, HD Video, Information Technology, Video Podcast, VMware Tags: Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, IT Automation Cloud, NSX Managers, Platform Services Controllers, SDI, Software-defined data center, Software-defined infrastructure, vCenter Server, VMware, vRealize Automation, vRealize Log Insight, vRealize Operations, vRealize Orchestrator
Categories: Audio Podcast, data centers, Dell, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Brian Payne, Chip Chat, Dell, Dell PowerEdge servers, Intel, Intel Xeon processor E5-2600 v4, SDI, Software-defined infrastructure
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Data Center Group, Intel, Intel Advanced Vector Extensions 2, Intel AVX2, Intel Cloud Day, Intel Resource Director Technology, Intel SSD Data Center Family, Intel Xeon processor E5-2600 v4, Lisa Spelman, SDI, Software-defined infrastructure
Categories: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, data centers, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: 3D XPoint, Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Field Programmable Gate Arrays, FPGA, Intel, Intel’s Cloud for All Initiative, Johnathan Donaldson, Mirantis, Rackspace, San Francisco, SDI, Software-defined infrastructure, Structure Conference
Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: Data Direct IO, DPDK, enterprise, FSI, Intel, Intel Ethernet, Intelligent Networking, networking, SDI, SDN, Software Defined Networking, Software-defined infrastructure, Xeon
Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, Video Podcast Tags: Intel, Intelligent Networking, ONP, SDI, SDN, SDN and NFV, Software Defined Networking, Software-defined infrastructure, test and deploy
Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, Video Podcast Tags: Intel, Intelligent Networking, ONP, SDI, SDN, SDN and NFV, Software Defined Networking, Software-defined infrastructure, test and deploy
Categories: Audio Podcast, data centers, Intel, Intel Chip Chat Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, CoprHD, EMC, Intel, multi-vendor storage, OpenStack, OpenStack Summit, Reddy Chagam, SDI, SDS, Software-defined infrastructure, Software-defined storage, Tokyo, Urayoan Irizarry, ViPR
Intelligent Compute: Inundated by a large and increasing variety of proprietary hardware appliances, many network operators are encouraging the development of interoperable solutions based on high- volume, industry-standard servers. Fundamental to this transition is the use of virtualization technology [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Compute, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: Intelligent Compute, SDI, SDN, Software-defined infrastructure
Software Defined Infrastructure: Network functions virtualization (NFV) is paving the way for more open, exible, and economical networking and communications equipment based on general-purpose computing platforms instead of traditional proprietary, purpose-built products. However, this transition hinges on increasing performance [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Compute, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: consolidated workloads, DPDK, enhanced performance, Intel, Intel architecture, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intelligent Compute, Intelligent Networking, QuickAssist technology, SDI, SDN, Software Defined Networking, Software-defined infrastructure
Intelligent Networking: White paper introduces Network Functions Virtualization and some of the activities related to OpenStack that are helping to enable deployment of high-performance workloads on industry-standard, high volume servers for use in telecommunications environments.
This is an update [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: ETSI, Intel, Intelligent Networking, line-rate capable, NFV, OpenStack, OpenStack Kilo, OPNFV, SDI, SDN, Software Defined Networking, Software-defined infrastructure
Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Compute, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: Deep Packet Inspection, DPI, Hyperscan, Intel Atom, intel processors, Intel Xeon Processors, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intelligent Compute, Intelligent Networking, Pattern Matching, SDI, SDN, Software-defined infrastructure
Categories: Audio Podcast, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Developer Forum Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, IDF, Intel, Intel Network Builders Fast Track, interoperability, Lynn Comp, Network Platforms Group, OpenStack, SDI, Software-defined infrastructure
Intelligent Compute: Platform Brief: Provides a software overview, features, and benefits of the Intel Xeon processor E3-1200 v4 series, which is designed to deliver large numbers of video transcoding channels per watt for demanding media processing applications. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Compute, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: Intel Xeon Processor E3-1200 v4, Intelligent Compute, Media Processing, SDI, SDN, Software-defined infrastructure, video transcoding
Categories: Featured, HD Video, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Compute, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, Video Podcast Tags: 5G, ACS, Intel Wireless Access, Intelligent Compute, MEC, Mobile Edge Computing, SDI, SDN, Small Cells, Software-defined infrastructure
Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Compute, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: Deep Packet Inspection, DPI, Hyperscan, IDS, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intelligent Compute, Intelligent Networking, intrusion prevention, IPS, IPS/IDS, NFV, NFV security, Pattern Matching, SDI, SDN, Software-defined infrastructure, Suricata, virtualized environment
Categories: Audio Podcast, Information Technology, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Developer Forum Tags: Allyson Klein, Audio Podcast, Chip Chat, Das Kamhout, IDF, Intel, Intel Cloud for All Initiative, Intel Developer Forum, SDI
Categories: Featured, HD Video, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Compute, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, Video Podcast Tags: Andrew Duignan, Data Plane Development Kit, DPDK, Intel architecture, Intel Cache Allocation Technology, Intel Cache Monitoring Technology, Intel Xeon, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intelligent Compute, Intelligent Networking, Mobile World Congress, MWC15, Network Functions Virtualization, NFV, Packet Processing, SDI, SDN, Software-defined infrastructure, Telecom infrastructure, Virtual Network Function, VNF
Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: Cisco, Intel, Intel ONP, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intelligent Compute, Intelligent Networking, Network Function Virtualization, NFV, Open Network Platform, SDI, SDN, service providers, Software Defined Networking, Software-defined infrastructure
Categories: data centers, Featured, HD Video, Information Technology, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Chip Chat: Under the Hood Tags: Intel Solid-State Drive Data Center Family, NVM Express, PCI Express, SDI, Software-defined infrastructure