Categories: Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: Amplidata, archiving, backup, cloud, cloud archiving, data archiving, data center, Data Protection, delivery, Enterprise storage, Intel Xeon processor, Intel: Intelligent Storage, pdf, Quanta QCT, Sakura Internet, scalability, Storage Infrastructure, storage software
Categories: Information Technology, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: backup, data, data archiving, data center, Data Protection, Enterprise storage, Hawai’i Undersea Research Laboratory, HP X5220, HURL, Intel Xeon Processors, Intel: Intelligent Storage, NAS, pdf, scalability, Storage Infrastructure
Categories: Audio Podcast, Information Technology, Inside IT, Intel, Intel IT, IT@Intel Tags: Audio Podcast, backup, collaboration, content sync, Corporate, information technology, innovation, Inside IT, Intel, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Business Value, IT@Intel, Preeta Banerji, social collaboration, Sync, Terry Yoshii
Categories: EMC Corporation, HD Video, Healthcare, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure Tags: Atlantic Health System, backup, Big Data, Cloud Computing, data deduplication, Data Domain, Data Management, Data Protection, data recovery, data retention, deduplication, EMC, EMC Avamar, EMC Data Domain, Enterprise storage, Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Intel Xeon Processors, Intel: Intelligent Storage, performance, storage, Xeon
Categories: Corporate, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: Atlantic Health System, backup, Big Data, Cloud Computing, data deduplication, Data Domain, Data Management, Data Protection, data recovery, data retention, deduplication, EMC, EMC Avamar, EMC Data Domain, Enterprise storage, Healthcare, Healthcare IT, Intel Xeon Processors, Intel: Intelligent Storage, performance, storage, Xeon
Categories: HD Video, Intel, The Personal Cloud Tags: Atom, Atom processor, automated backup, backup, Intel, Intel Atom processor, Intel Atom processor D2250, NAS, network attached storage, remote access, storage, video streaming, video surveillance
Categories: Cloud Computing, Intel, IT White Papers, The Personal Cloud Tags: backup, Dibble & Miller, How to Restore Quickly, IT Whitepaper, pdf, Personal Cloud, Restore, WD Sentinel, Western Digital
Categories: Cloud Computing, Intel, IT White Papers, The Personal Cloud Tags: backup, DVD, IT Whitepaper, NAS, Network-attached Storage Device, pdf, storage, The Personal Cloud, Thecus
Categories: Intel, IT White Papers, The Personal Cloud Tags: backup, Cloud Computing, file-sharing services, FTP, Intel, NAS, NETGEAR, private cloud, ReadyNAS, Ron Croudy, Rontronik, The Personal Cloud, X-RAID2
Today, Intel IT manages about 18 petabytes (PB) of primary and backup storage in our design computing, manufacturing, office, and enterprise environments. We choose storage and backup and recovery solutions based on the application use models for these respective areas. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: data centers, Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, IT@Intel Tags: Ananth Sankaranarayanan, backup, Damian Harrington, data center, data center efficiency, Data Center Strategy, Intel, Intel IT, IT Data Center, IT Data Center Strategy, NAS, Parallel Storage, petabytes, Recovery, SAN, storage
In this podcast, Vice President for Backup Exec in the Symantec Data Protection Group, Pat Hanavan, provides product overviews of Backup Exec 12.5 and Backup Exec System Recovery 8.5. Hanavan gives and in depth look at the features and benefits [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Symantec Tags: backup, Backup Exec, Data Protection, Pat Hanavan, Symantec