Intel Atom: Chip Packs Internet in Your Pocket

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Intel’s smallest processor to date, built with it’s tiny 45nm transistors for a new wave of small, mobile Internet devices. The chip gets the name Intel Atom. There’s also Intel Centrino Atom, a combination of chip technologies for low cost, low power and high performing devices designed to bring better Internet experiences to wireless compute devices.

Intel’s Brian Fravel helped to announce Atom’s brand name on Sunday, followed by Bob Duffy and others. Outside of Intel, conversation continues. Most blog mentions highlight the tiny processor’s likeley impact on mobile internet devices. As Joel Hruska writes at Ars Technica, “The Atom architecture is intended to give Intel a foothold in handheld devices that have traditionally been the sole domain of very low-power RISC processors.” Noting that no Atom-enabled products have yet been announced, Yahoo! Tech’s Christopher Null predicts that “you should definitely expect some in the next few months.”

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Mobility@Intel blog

The Intel Pressroom

Related Stories: Intel, IntelMooresLaw, IntelMobility

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