Categories: Audio Podcast, Information Technology, Inside IT, Intel, Intel IT, Intel Mobility, IT@Intel Tags: Client Aware, Cloud Computing, compute continuum, Dave Bucholz, devices, Inside IT, Intel IT, IT Best Practices, IT Consumerization, IT infrastructure, IT@Intel, mobility, private cloud, smart phones, Smart TV, tablets
Every hard disk will fail. That’s a reality few of us care to think about, although if you’ve ever tried to do work on your laptop on a plane you’ve been profoundly reminded that it doesn’t take much movement [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Information Technology, Intel, Intel IT, Intel Mobility, IT@Intel Tags: Alan Ross, battery life, Dave Buchholz, Diane Bryant, Doug DeVetter, HDD, Intel, it support costs, IT@Intel, Josh Hilliker, laptop, mobile, mobile computing, mobile PC, mobility, notebook pc, performance, performance benchmark, solid-state drive, SSD, ssd demo
It didn’t take long for wireless computing and the mobility it affords to become an accepted part of the landscape of public spaces, offices and homes. But there was still a catch: you couldn’t stay connected outside of the hotspots [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Healthcare, Intel, Intel Mobility, IntelWorldAhead Tags: Baltimore WiMAX, Healthcare IT, Intel, Mobile Internet Devices, WiMax, Xohm
So you’ve gone wireless. Now think about where you can go, and what you can do, now that you’re not tethered to the wall. We ventured out to hot spots in San Francisco, to check out mobility in action, and [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Intel, Intel Digital Life, Intel Mobility Tags: Inside Scoop, Intel, wireless
At the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco’s Moscone Center, “Brain Bowl” was an opening night celebration where local and international media got to meet Intel execs and compete in the game of hi-tech trivia hosted by KPIX-TV San Francisco [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, Intel Mobility Tags: Anand Chandrasekher, Brain Bowl, David "Dadi" Perlmutter, IDF08, IDF2008, IDFSF08, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, John Kessler, Justin Rattner, Mobility Group, Ultra Mobility Group
The Intel Developer Forum recently concluded in San Francisco. In this video, sample from the cutting edge mobility products being shown at IDF, from Intel Atom Processor-powered Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs) to Netbooks, to new WiMAX wireless Internet technology. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, Intel Mobility Tags: IDF, IDF08, Intel, Intel Atom processor, Intel Developer Forum, MIDs, Mobile Internet Devices, mobility, netbooks, WiMax
Categories: Corporate, Intel, Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Mobility, Intel Moore's Law Tags: Atom, Austin, Bryan Rhoads, Core 2 Duo, Intel, IntelMobility, IntelMooresLaw, Interactive, MIDs, mobile Internet device, processor, South by Southwest, SXSW, SxSW Interactive, SXSWi, ultramobile, Video Podcast
Intel’s smallest processor to date, built with it’s tiny 45nm transistors for a new wave of small, mobile Internet devices. The chip gets the name Intel Atom. There’s also Intel Centrino Atom, a combination of chip technologies for low cost, [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Intel Mobility, Intel Moore's Law Tags: 45nm, Ars Technica, Bob Duffy, Brian Fravel, Christopher Null, Intel, Intel Atom, Intel Centrino Atom, IntelMobility, IntelMooresLaw, Joel Hruska, Mobile Internet Devices, transistors