IT@Intel: Using PC Client Telemetry Insights to Deliver a Premium User Experience

February 23rd, 2023 |
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IT Best Practices: Empowering clients with the tools for self-service from the initial acquisition of hardware, through the lifecycle of their devices, and full circle through device refresh helps IT maintain budgets and forecast future client device needs. Leveraging telemetry is key to improving interactive employee experiences by equipping IT with insights that provide better service, device, and product configurations, resulting in overall improved employee satisfaction.

Intel IT is committed to maximizing client productivity and giving employees access to support without picking up a phone or visiting a service desk. To help achieve this they monitor all managed devices in the Intel IT ecosystem and define this as Client Health. The driving questions behind Client Health are how to quantify captured client data, how to analyze the data, and what to do with that data to deliver excellence in IT support. The answers to these questions help deliver a stable, responsive platform with the right hardware aligned to an employee’s needs.

For more information on Intel IT Best Practices, please visit

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