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AI-Based Customer Service Automation – Conversations in the Cloud – Episode 270

Tech Tonics: Karen Hong, Turning Grad School Pain To VC Gain

June 10th, 2019 |
Tech Tonics: Karen Hong, Turning Grad School Pain To VC Gain

In graduate school, Karen Hong’s dream of becoming a biologist crashed into the inconvenient reality that she couldn’t stand working in the lab. Undaunted, Karen, pivoted into venture capital, and hasn’t looked back.

As befits a future geneticist, Karen chose [See the full post…]

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Categories: Audio Podcast, Healthcare, Tech Tonics, Technology Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

The Tomorrow Project: Synthetic Biology

The Tomorrow Project: Synthetic Biology

In this episode of The Tomorrow Project: Brian David Johnson, Futurist at Intel Corporation, interviews Eric Klavins about programming life, and reprogramming ourselves.

Klavins, a scientist and researcher at the University of Washington, uses DNA, molecules and organisms to [See the full post…]

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Categories: HD Video, Intel, The Tomorrow Project, Video Podcast Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,