Categories: CES BlogHaus 2008, CES Las Vegas - Consumer Electronics Show, Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, RockyMountainVoices, Tech Conferences and Events Tags: 3D Animation, bloghaus, CES, Display, iWear, Paul Travers, Vuzix, Wearables
If you’ve got the winter golf blues, Electric~Spin has the cure. Electric~Spin’s Golf Launchpad Tour is a unique golf simulation device that allows users to play golf in the convenience of their home, with their own clubs. The golf Launchpad [See the full post…] |
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Categories: CES BlogHaus 2008, CES Las Vegas - Consumer Electronics Show, Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, Gaming, RockyMountainVoices, Tech Conferences and Events Tags: 3D Animation, bloghaus, CES, CES 2008, EA Sports, Electric Spin, Gaming, golf, Tiger Woods
This podcast previews a new Symantec blog and webcast series titled “Building Confidence in Enterprise Security.” Andre Gold head of technology risk management at ING U.S. Financial Services, and Samir Kapuria, distinguished principal at Symantec Corp., will embark on a [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Symantec Tags: 3D Animation, Andre Gold, Apple, Building Confidence in Enterprise Security, ING, iPod, IT Compliance, IT Risk Management, Samir Kapuria, Symantec
Justin Rattner, Intel’s chief technology officer, explores what 3D Web and the rise of virtual communities means for online communication and the technology industry. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, Intel Developer Forum, Intel Moore's Law Tags: 3D Animation, 3D Web, IntelMooresLaw, Justin Rattner, virtual communities
SceneCaster just was announced at Demo and here we have an interview with Mark Zohar, founder. He tells us how SceneCaster is different from Second Life and how it’ll enable new 3D experiences for Web site owners. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, ScobleShow Tags: 3D Animation, Mark Zohar, SceneCaster
Users are looking for a richer, more cinematic experience from the Internet, according to Justin Rattner, Intel chief technology officer and director, Corporate Technology Group. Rattner gave the final keynote of the Fall IDF in San Francisco, focusing on virtual [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Intel Developer Forum Tags: 3D Animation, 3D Internet, Fall IDF, Greg Nuyens, Justin Rattner, Qwaq, social media, user-generated content, virtual worlds
In the second part of the Apple WWDC 2007 Steve Jobs keynote, we get more demos of Leopard (OS X 10.5), including Core Animation, BootCamp, Time Machine and iChat, as well as showing Safari for Windows, and apps for the [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Apple Voices, Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, Tech Conferences and Events, Technology Tags: 10.5, 3D Animation, Apple, BootCamp, Core Animation, iChat, iPhone, Keynote, Leopard, OS X, Safari for Windows, Steve Jobs, Time Machine, WWDC
Video game physics, animation and visual effects are very important aspects in creating a realistic and fun gaming experience. Havok is one company that enhances that experience, providing game developers with a modular suite of tools that allows them to [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Gaming, Intel, Tech Conferences and Events, Technology Tags: 3D Animation, Game Developers, Gaming, Havok, Jeff Yates
Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Gaming, Tech Conferences and Events, Technology Tags: 3D Animation, animators, Bill Roberts, Capcom, Electronic Arts, Game Developers Conference, Happy Feet, SoftImage
Sony unveiled its new “Home” service for the Playstation 3 at the Game Developers Conference this week. The 3D online avatar-based world will allow PS3 users to chat, share content, shop and join games online. PodTech’s Rio Pesino spoke with [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Gaming, Tech Conferences and Events, Technology Tags: 3D Animation, Al Deleon, Game Developers Conference, Playstation 3
Intel says it has developed an 80-core microprocessor chip that could enable PCs and chip-enabled devices to perform Teraflop level computing. The company will offer more details of its research in a series of scientific papers at the annual Integrated [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Intel Moore's Law, Intel PCA Past and Future, Technology Tags: 3D Animation, artificial intelligence, Integrated Solid State Circuits Conference, Intel, IntelMooresLaw, Jason Lopez, Justin Rattner, microprocessor, Teraflop
On this NVIDIA podcast, Scott Vouri, NVIDIA’s general manager of multimedia, explains the what and why of graphics processing units and how having a high quality GPU will help take advantage of Windows Vista’s 3D graphic environment. Vouri spoke at [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, NVIDIA, Tech Conferences and Events, Technology Tags: 3D Animation, Digital Life, NVIDIA, Scott Vouri
Categories: Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, Entrepreneurship with John Furrier, Technology Tags: 3D Animation, Bill Tai, Charles River Ventures, Connected Social Media, entrepreneurs, George Zachary, John Furrier, QuickStart
BOSTON, October 6, 2006 (PodTech News) – Harvard Law School is experimenting this semester with a course taught partly in the real world and partly in the virtual 3D world Second Life. The class, called CyberOne: Law in the [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, PodTech News, Technology Tags: 3D Animation, Harvard Law School, Second Life
In the second part of a podcast of his Wednesday keynote at the Intel Developer Forum, Intel senior vice president Pat Gelsinger announced several industry initiatives, including a project with BAPCO, which makes 3D benchmarking software, to help businesses manage [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Intel, Intel Developer Forum, Tech Conferences and Events, Technology Tags: 3D Animation, BAPCO, Intel Developer Forum, Pat Gelsinger
PodTech’s Michael Johnson speaks with Steve Fehr, the Director of Acrobat Sales for Adobe Systems Incorporated. Fehr shares with Michael some information on upcoming Adobe live events as well as the release of the Adobe Acrobat Family, an upgrade to [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Adobe Systems Incorporated, Connected Social Media, Corporate, Technology Tags: 3D Animation
Steve Jobs continues the countdown of ten Leopard features in part three of his keynote address from the Apple Worldwide Developer’s Conference (WWDC) at San Francisco’s Moscone West. Enhancements to iChat elicited the biggest buzz from the crowd of 4,000 [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Apple Voices, Connected Social Media, PodTech News, Tech Conferences and Events, Technology Tags: 3D Animation, Leopard, Steve Jobs, WWDC
Robert Bell is director of IT for GHAFARI Associates, in Dearborn, Mich. The company is an architecture/engineering firm specializing in the design and engineering of industrial and manufactured systems and processes, including 3D/4D building information and modeling. Bell, a Juniper [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Corporate, Juniper Networks, Master of IT, Technology Tags: 3D Animation, Connected Social Media, GHAFARI, IT, John Furrier, Juniper Networks, Master of IT, Robert Bell