Categories: Audio Podcast, Healthcare, Information Technology, Tech Tonics, Technology Tags: Alzheimers, david shaywitz, diagnosis, diagnostics, dnanexus, elli kaplan, health care, health insurance, health science, health sciences, health-it, Healthcare, insurance, lisa suennen, medical care, medical research, Medicine, neurotrack, obamacare, Research, tech tonics, Technology, technology and health, VC, venture capital, venture valkyrie
Categories: Audio Podcast, Future Lab Radio, Intel, Intel Free Press, Intel Labs, Research@Intel Tags: Alzheimers, bio-degradation, Evan O'Dorney, Future Lab Radio, Healthcare IT, Intel, Intel Science Talent Search, Intel STS, Laurie Rumker, North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, Oregon Episcopal School, Organoclay, Research Science Institute, Science, Si-Yi Ryan Lee, Superfund sites
Crossloop is a great free way to take control of a friend’s computer and help them out. Here Tom Rolander, CTO of Crossloop, demonstrates how it can be used to help your friends and family get over their computer troubles. [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, ScobleShow Tags: Alzheimers, CrossLoop, Tom Rolander