Paving the Way for Tens of Thousands of New Clouds – Intel Chip Chat – Episode 440

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In this Intel Chip Chat audio podcast with Allyson Klein: In this livecast from the Structure Conference in San Francisco Johnathan Donaldson, VP of Data Center Group and GM Software Defined Infrastructure at Intel chats with us about Intel’s Cloud For All Initiative that is accelerating broad proliferation of the cloud and will unleash tens of thousands of new clouds for a variety of usage models across the world. He discusses how the initiative is investing heavily into open source innovation through efforts with Rackspace and Mirantis. Jonathan also describes how Intel is working to optimize the underlying hardware for the software defined infrastructure (SDI) stack by transforming datacenter capabilities through optimized silicon, field programmable gate arrays (FPGA), 3D XPoint technology, and other solutions to address demands of the workloads.

To learn more, follow Jonathan on Twitter:

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Posted in: Audio Podcast, Cloud Computing, data centers, Intel, Intel Chip Chat