Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, Video Podcast Tags: Intel, Intelligent Networking, ONP, SDI, SDN, SDN and NFV, Software Defined Networking, Software-defined infrastructure, test and deploy
Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, Video Podcast Tags: Intel, Intelligent Networking, ONP, SDI, SDN, SDN and NFV, Software Defined Networking, Software-defined infrastructure, test and deploy
Categories: Featured, HD Video, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Compute, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, Video Podcast Tags: Big Telecom, data center, ecosystems, Intel Open Network Platform, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intelligent Compute, Intelligent Networking, Light Reading, Network Builders, ONP, Sandra Rivera, SDI, SDN, Software-defined infrastructure
Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Compute, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, Video Podcast Tags: Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intelligent Compute, Intelligent Networking, NFV, ONP, SDI, SDN, Software-defined infrastructure, test and deploy
Categories: Featured, HD Video, Intel, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, Video Podcast Tags: Big Telecom 2015, Intel, Intel Network Builders, Intelligent Networking, Network Platforms Group, NFV, ONP, Open Network Platform, Sandra Rivera, SDI, SDN, Software Defined Networking, Software-defined infrastructure
Intelligent Networking: The Intel Open Network Platform Server (Intel ONP Server) r1.3 reference architecture provides a validated template to spur adoption of software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) in telecom carrier networks, cloud data centers, and enterprise [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Intel, Intel: Intelligent Networking, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, IT White Papers Tags: 331544-002US, Intel, Intel ONP, Intel Open Network Platform Server, Intelligent Networking, Network Builders, ONP, Open Network Platform Server Release 1.3, SDI, SDN, Software Defined Networking, Software-defined infrastructure