Delivering Strategic Business Value with Automated In-House Testing

November 5th, 2015 |
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IT Best Practices: Intel IT is transforming our in-house testing environment to deliver better feedback more quickly to Intel’s product development groups. Intel employees use Intel’s products to do their jobs every day. Intel IT deploys and monitors the performance of these products. By sharing what we learn with the product development groups, we provide them with real-world insights that can lead to higher-quality products.

While we’ve been monitoring PC client health for years, we previously relied on manual processes to deploy test configurations, gather feedback, and monitor and analyze issues that arose in the field. As our computing environment became more complex, manual testing methods required too much of our time and resources, and made it difficult to connect issues with the appropriate events, causes, and products. We needed more effective tools to support Intel’s employees and product development groups.

We partnered with Intel’s wireless connectivity solutions (WCS) group and Intel’s Internet of Things Group (IOTG) to automate the in-house testing of Intel’s wireless products. In doing so, we achieved two important business advantages:

•The product development groups receive timely feedback that can lead to more insights, higher-quality products, and faster time to market.

•IT can improve deployment, monitoring, and analysis of new configurations that we support across the enterprise.

We plan to extend this success by partnering with other product development groups, thereby multiplying the business value supplied by IT.

For more information on Intel IT Best Practices, please visit

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