Categories: Intel, Intel Chip Chat, virtualization Tags: Allyson Klein, Brian Johnson, Ethernet, Intel, Intel Chip Chat, LAN, SR-IOV, Technology, virtualization
Categories: Intel, Intel IT, Intel vPro, IT White Papers, IT@Intel, Security Tags: Alan Ross, Anti-Theft Technology, CMOS, Cyber Risk Management, Dennis Morgan, Disk Encryption, Intel, Intel AT, Intel IT, intellectual property, IT Information Security, IT Whitepaper, IT@Intel, LAN, poison pill, Recovery token, Tarun Viswanathan, Technology Evaluation, Theft Detection, VPN, vPro, WLAN
Effective collaboration is critical to the success of large businesses and a key challenge for information technology executives. A new managed service now available from Verizon Business – Verizon Managed Wireless LAN Service – enables business and government entities to [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Corporate, Verizon Business Tags: Chip Freund, LAN, Verizon, Verizon Business, wireless
PodTech’s Michael Johnson checks in with Tom Barsi, CEO of ConSentry Networks at Gartner. Barsi speaks about secure LAN systems solutions and their place in the rapidly changing Web Services Universe. Recently Consentry Networks won a Best of Interop Award [See the full post…] |
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Categories: Connected Social Media, ConSentry Networks, Corporate, Gartner Symposium ITxpo, PodTech News, Tech Conferences and Events, Technology Tags: ConSentry, Gartner, Interop, LAN, Tom Barsi