Google+ Still in the Mobile Game According to Analysts

March 20th, 2012 |
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PALO ALTO – Google+ is far behind Facebook in terms of users, but analysts say the search giant’s social media offering could have a robust future. New data from researcher IDC and Applecerator appears to show that Google+ is viewed more favorably by a majority of mobile app developers, which could mean it may close the gap.

Facebook continues to clobber all other social media outlets with 425 million mobile users globally, according to a Facebook IPO statement in February. The IDC/Appcelerator data showed 39 percent of developers cite Google’s environment [search, maps, video, etc.] as more significant for their offerings than Facebook’s.

The data is consistent with IDC/Appcelerator findings from last summer: 68 percent of developers surveyed preferred Google’s envisioned social media platform over Facebook’s. Nearly half surveyed said Google was more innovative. Developers also noted that Google+ showed promise as an important tool for companies and marketers.

Still, more developers [83 percent] plan to use Facebook in 2012. Only 72 percent cited Google+.

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