Aurora and the Convergence of HPC, AI and Big Data Analytics

October 18th, 2022 | | 27:47
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The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) and Intel are working together on Aurora, an Exascale supercomputer. As the ALCF and Intel prepare for Aurora, learn about the convergence of High Performance Computing (HPC), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data analytics. Learn how the ALCF is preparing its software, and its users for Aurora, including some challenges that can be overcome utilizing some of the latest Intel technologies. We also talk about the science Aurora will enable, and why you never know what questions will be answered or arise when using a supercomputer.

See what next-generation scientific problems are being slated to run on Aurora

See also:
ALCF – Aurora
DOE’s INCITE Program
Intel oneAPI
Intel oneAPI Toolkits
Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit
Exascale Computing Project website
Aurora Early Science Program
Argonne National Lab’s Aurora Exascale System
Intel and Argonne Developers Carve Path Toward
Introducing the Aurora Supercomputer – Powered by Intel

Transcript Read/Download the transcript.

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Posted in: Artificial Intelligence, Audio Podcast, Code Together, Intel