Vectrix’ New ZEV Maxi Scooter

In our first exploration into scooters, I spoke with Jim Plagenhoef, director of North American sales for Vectrix Corporation, a Newport, R.I.-based company soon to launch their two-wheeled, all-electric vehicle, the Maxi-Scooter. Capable of a near 70-mile range and a top speed of 62mph, the zero-emissions vehicle will come to market with Nickel Metal Hydride batteries and regenerative braking. When will it be here? How much will it cost? Will it come with tax incentives? What about Lithium Ion batteries and fuel cells? Jim answers all these questions and more, plus, he says, it’s fun to drive. We look forward to our test drive in LA or SF in the coming weeks. Stay tuned….
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Clean Tech, Connected Social Media, NextGear, Technology