Virtual Assistance Center Advances IT self-service

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IT Best Practices: Imagine a computing environment where PCs fix themselves, even before employees know there’s a problem. Or where employees are proactively notified of issues, including self-service answers without having to know a lot of technical lingo or infrastructure details. This vision, consistent with our history of self-service solutions, inspired Intel IT to create the Virtual Assistance Center (VAC). We believe employee productivity improves when employees spend less time troubleshooting common issues.

VAC is a consolidated tool of solutions for frequently encountered issues, using a holistic approach to IT self-service. It provides an extensive and extendable framework for developing, testing, and deploying common fixes, using a shared platform and protocol. While the PC is idle, VAC proactively detects and automatically fixes issues or notifies employees of issues with self-service options.

VAC provides the following benefits to employees:
• Better productivity. Scheduled PC health checks identify and correct some issues without employee’s knowledge, providing an uninterrupted user experience.
• Improved self-service. Finding information and tools to correct issues is faster and easier.
• Simpler instructions. VAC proactively notifies employees of issues, and it allows employees to fix many issues on their own, without calling IT or needing extensive technical knowledge.

Beyond a source of PC self-service, VAC is a platform for developers. The API provides the most important capabilities for developing and testing new fixes, leading to better IT products. VAC provides the following benefits to developers:
• Improved manageability. Developers can concentrate on creating solutions while VAC handles the tasks of deployment and updates on PCs through its hosting infrastructure.
• Reduced risk. The platform supports incremental development and testing of fixes that reuses previously tested code. This allows us to test only incremental changes on each iteration, reducing the risk of introducing new issues.
• Increased productivity. The standard API makes development and testing faster and easier.
Overall, the VAC delivers increased customer satisfaction, decreased calls to IT, and a better user experience.

For more information on Intel IT Best Practices, please visit

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