Is the Future of Medicine Functional Medicine? A Conversation with Dr. Mark Hyman

July 21st, 2022 | | 33:18
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What if we focused on the conditions for creating health rather than treating disease? This simple change in perspective is the foundation of functional medicine: promoting health by focusing on the body as “one whole ecosystem” rather than different parts that must be addressed separately. On today’s episode of the Business Group on Health Podcast, we speak with Dr. Mark Hyman, multi-time #1 New York Times Bestselling author and practicing physician, about functional medicine and how this approach represents a paradigm shift in treatment from downstream and disease-specific, to upstream and holistic. Topics include what functional medicine is and why it is just now gaining attention and traction; why food is central to functional medicine; and big and small ways we can shift our systems and personal habits to create conditions for health.

Mark Hyman, MD, Founder and Director of The Ultra-Wellness Center and Author of Food Fix

Thank you to today’s episode sponsor Vanderbilt Health.

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