Intel IT’s big data journey (so far)

November 25th, 2013 |
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IT Best Practices: Businesses are often guilty of operating at a pace that is measured and process driven, in reactive fashion. These businesses observe a problem or development in the marketplace and then collect data to understand and act upon it. In many cases, even though there is genuine intent to solve the problem, the very nature of this approach results in a sub optimal solution – and more importantly, an inability to catch up.

Big data is changing this dynamic, speeding up the business intelligence (BI) and decision making abilities of corporations. Three things are making it possible: the sheer volume of modern data, the lower cost of storage, and open source technologies, such as Apache Hadoop.

In 2010, Intel IT began standardizing and centralizing the collection, storage, processing, and distribution of the company’s vast datasets. We wanted to empower our business groups to solve problems, identify opportunities, create efficiencies, and mine value from the information scattered throughout Intel.

We created a dedicated data management team to work closely with Intel business groups to make enterprise data available and useable at the highest quality levels. Working together, the team and our business group partners have identified several use cases where available data and business opportunity aligned.

For more information on Intel IT Best Practices, please visit

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