Transforming Storage: Meeting the Big Data Challenge

September 30th, 2013 |
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Transforming Storage: With huge numbers of users of a smart phone, tablet or laptop accessing the Internet and storing information there (especially pictures, music and video), the amount of data storage required to service all that activity is monumental. That does not include the massive amounts of data already being stored by large organizations before “Big Data” became a big buzzword. But below the buzz is the reality of the challenge… and the opportunity that Big Data presents. One of the challenges is how to deal with all that unstructured information. But the opportunities are vast. For example, we visit the Intel Labs Research@Intel event to discover that information about the location of trees, lying dormant on some government servers, can come to life as useful information for allergy sufferers. We also talk with Adam Mendoza, strategic planner for cloud storage at Intel, and Dan Dahle, Director of Technology Management at Intel Labs.

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Posted in: Audio Podcast, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Corporate, Information Technology, Intel, Transforming Storage