Intel Labs: Intel Science and Technology Center for Cloud Computing

August 4th, 2011 |
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Intel has established the Intel Science and Technology Center for Cloud Computing at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The research will be focused around four pillars: Specialization, a practice that can create greater efficiencies such as lower energy usage and costs; Automation, such as the scheduling of compute tasks in the cloud; Big Data, which refers to the massive amount of data like video; and To the Edge, which seeks to understand how to better mesh the billions of devices that users reach the cloud with. The center will be led by Phil Gibbons, Intel Principal Investigator, and Greg Ganger, Co-Principal Investigator and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University.

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Posted in: Big Data, Cloud Computing, HD Video, Intel, Intel Labs, Intel: Intelligent Storage, Intel: Software Defined Infrastructure, Research@Intel, Video Podcast