Computrace with Intel Anti-Theft Technology Whitepaper

This whitepaper provides an overview of the Computrace solution that supports Intel Anti-Theft Technology-(Intel AT). Computrace, a leading IT asset-management and security solution from Absolute Software, is taking advantage of Intel Anti-Theft Technology (Intel AT), which is designed into system hardware. Absolute Software and Intel deliver a new level of theft deterrence and data defense through integrated hard-ware and software technologies for notebook PCs. Through Computrace, an authorized information technology (IT) administrator can remotely delete data on a notebook, or the notebook can now intelligently lock itself down and prevent an OS from booting. If the notebook is reported lost or stolen, the IT administrator simply flags it in the Computrace Web portal and sets up a “poison pill” so the next time the notebook “phones home,” it will be disabled. In both cases, whether the notebook locks itself down or receives a poison pill, and even if the hard drive is reformatted or replaced, anti-theft security options remain in place. Getting the system operational again is easy – authorized users can quickly restore the system with a one-time reactivation token provided by the IT department. IT now has a more reliable, robust approach to protecting assets and minimizing financial and/or legal risk from lost or stolen notebooks
For a video demonstration of Intel Anti-Theft Technology, be sure to check out Intel Anti-Theft Technology: Day at the Beach.
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Corporate, Intel, IT White Papers