Bloggers Embark: USS Nimitz Plans To Receive 16 Podcasters, Bloggers and Others

On May 29th, 2009 a group of bloggers including Guy Kawasaki, Robert Scoble, Charlene Li, and Jennifer Jones will be flying via a navy plane to the USS Nimitz. The ship holds 5,000 people and will be out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The Bloggers will join the crew and captain for 20 hours of “ship bonding”. Why is the Navy doing this? Jennifer asked Dennis Hall, the group’s organizer and volunteer who nominates civilians to the Public Affairs Officers of the 7 military services. They are doing it to have the Navy get better “word of mouth” marketing among the world. Dennis also explains the entire trip to the Marketing Voices audience which will include a fast stop of the airplane as it lands and moves from 140 mph to 0 mph in just one second. Dennis says the people’s bodies on the plane will feel like a pufferfish.
To contact Dennis Hall, who is featured in this podcast, please go to or call: 916-541-1992
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