Disability Inclusion is Workplace Inclusion

October 14th, 2022 | | 34:56
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Globally, one in seven people live with some form of disability, making disabled people the world’s largest minority group. It’s also a group that anybody can join at any time throughout their life. In fact, 80 percent of disabilities are acquired in the prime working years of 18 to 64. On this episode of the Business Group on Health Podcast, we speak with Crosby Cromwell of The Valuable 500 about why diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives must include disabilities (but don’t always). We discuss re-understanding disability, including who is a part of this community, the language we should use when talking about people with disabilities, the difference between inclusion and accommodations, and actions businesses are taking to make disability inclusion their business.

Guest: Crosby Cromwell, Chief Partnerships Officer, The Valuable 500

Thank you to today’s episode sponsor League.

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Posted in: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare