Chip Wars Heat Up: AMD Buys Graphics Firm ATI, Intel Core 2 Duo Gets Advance Raves From Tech Press

MENLO PARK, July 25, 2006 (PodTech News) — We’re having a heat wave here in Silicon Valley, and the heat is also on in the world of silicon chip-making. Number-two chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices put the pedal to rival Intel’s metal yesterday when it announced plans to acquire Canadian graphic cards manufacturer ATI Technologies. AMD Chairman and CEO Hector Ruiz and Dave Orton, President and CEO of ATI made the announcement Monday. Also today, we talk with Dan Snyder, Intel’s Technical PR Manager, about why hardware reviewers are raving about the chip code-named “Conroe”, slated for official launch on Thursday. “It all comes down to defying the laws of physics. You get 40% more performance with 40% less power consumption,” said Snyder, about the Intel Core 2 Duo Microprocessor. Catherine Girardeau reports.
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