On AIR (bus) with Adobe
Kevin Lynch, SVP and Chief Software Architect at Adobe, introduces me to the Adobe Integrated Runtime bus that’s touring America now, bringing Adobe’s executives and evangelists to developers where, they are showing how to use AIR. In this video, you also meet Lee Brimelow, senior design technologist at Frog Design; Mike Chambers, senior product manager for developer relations; Mike Downey, group manager of platform evangelism; Ryan Stewart, rich Internet application evangelist; Andre Charland, co-founder of Nitobi; Kevin Hoyt, platform evangelist; and Ted Patrick, technical evangelist for Flex. The bus is probably coming to a city near you soon — check the schedule at http://onair.adobe.com/schedule/. Tomorrow they’ll be in Dallas, Texas, and you can track where the bus is at any moment along its tour path, thanks to streaming video and a GPS system that tells you where the bus is at any point in time.
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Connected Social Media, Enterprise 2.0, ScobleShow