Office 2.0 and the future of work
September 9th, 2007 |
Connected Social Media Syndication

Will the use of online apps change the way people work? That’s a question discussed by a panel at theOffice 2.0 conference, moderated by Om Malik from GigaOm: Steven Aldrich, VP of strategy & innovation, Intuit; Denis Browne, senior VP, SAP Labs; Danny Kolke, CEO of Etelos; Richard McAniff, corporate VP, Microsoft Office; and Jonathan Rochelle, product manager, Google Docs and Spreadsheets.
Also on TechOne: Larry Magid talks about the controversy and interviews Apple VP Phil Schiller about the pricing on the day of the original announcement. It was before the firestorm and Jobs’ “apology.”
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Connected Social Media, Technology, TechOne