Cancer and Careers: Moving Forward Without Fear

January 6th, 2023 | | 34:57
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Many people with cancer are diagnosed during the prime working years of their life. Among other uncertainties, they often question how they’ll balance their work with treatment and recovery, and what will happen if they disclose their diagnosis. On this episode of the Business Group on Health podcast, we talk with Rebecca Nellis, executive director of Cancer and Careers, a nonprofit that empowers and educates people with cancer to thrive in the workplace. Rebecca shares how managers can best react when employees disclose, how the workplace may play an important role for employees who want to work through treatment, and how to support those who are returning to work after leave. We also examine the macro trends that impact her work on behalf of people with cancer.

Guest: Rebecca Nellis, Executive Director, Cancer and Careers

Thank you to today’s episode sponsor Accolade

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Posted in: Audio Podcast, Business Group on Health, Healthcare