Dash911’s Scott Navratil on VOIP and 911

If you you dial 911 from a VoIP phone, does the system know to locate you right away? There are a number of companies behind the scenes that ensure your location is immediately apparent to emergency services. Scott Navratil is marketing manager for Dash911, one of those companies. He explains the mechanism of the “E911” System, and Dash911’s role in the process. PodTech’s Michael Johnson caught up with him at ISPCON 2006 in Santa Clara, Calif.
Reporter’s Notes: This is such a big issue the FCC is getting involved. Rich Tehrani’s VOIP blog covers the specifics. Vonage users in San Francisco now have E911 service, the importance of which was underlined by a recent case of a Bay Area man who died after calling 911 from a VOIP phone and was unable to be located in time for the crucial medical attention he needed.
– Michael Johnson
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